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No i wont XD lol you can have her lmao if i can come and steal her from you everyone can steal her from me so dont think it makes much sense tbh
Traps are awesome and there are really good funny Trap base manga.
My money is on the donkey cause I don't have a girlfriend. I am single.
"Trap" reminds me of the saying, "Every woman wants to be swept off her feet... It's when you go to put her in the trunk that she starts to freak out." I think it's an old Chinese proverb or something.
I think you have the wrong kind of trap @verucassault. He talking about when boys dress as girls and look more like girls then as boys, basely cross-dressing or reverse traps as a girl dressing up as a guy and looking more like a boy then a girl. When it comes to talking about anime/manga. Not the other trap.
Not me XD if i were going in the trunk there better have a flat screen and some snacks lmao who knows how long the ride will be....i say no to traps unless there are female traps in that case im considering
I was jk. •_•
Oh lol I thought you don't know. hahahaha my bad. It was a trap. Also say yes to traps @Panda-kun
Its ok veruca lol we know you were
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