missing love

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
missing love
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
imm missing love so badly i want to be with someone again but i cant find anyone i live in england and because im the 'wierd one' people tend to not like me that way its nice to have friends dont get me wrong but its not the same as haveing someone to cuddle up to and say those three amazing words who agrees with me???

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
missing love
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Dude I know what you mean. I think if you just need to get out there and do what you like and have fun doing it. Girls will notice. Don't get me wrong girls will expect you to make the first move. Just make sure you dress in a clean approachible way. With good taste. I talked to a few from the UK they hate guys that look like they just want to get in their pants. Pay attention before you approach for example if at a con a girl is alone and just sits and reads manga. She is probably looking for someone to come talk to her. Think about at a con lots of things to do. Why sit alone? Just look out for hints like that.

eastrid @eastrid
commented on
missing love
eastrid @eastrid
I'm kinda like you, but I can get dates... It's more I want a women/girl that's into the things I am and not judge me cause I like anime and all that stuff.

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
commented on
missing love
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
You know what the great thing is about missing love? It sure makes time go by a helluva lot slower. Now I can do all these fun thiiings, like save up money to spend, and plan out the conventions I wanna go to!

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
missing love
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Hell yeah man, ever since I started saving money for cons and just go out to have fun. I been enjoying life so much more. When your single never hold back you got to go out there and do stuff. The girls eventually will notice and want to tag along. Let's face it they like go out more than we do. ^_^
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