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I want a girlfriend

@panda Haha yeah I'm not much for volley ball shorts and half shirts. I prefer a little more covering. I'll be in clear water one of my friends is getting married and I'm in her wedding so it's a win win get to see friends and play at the beach for a few days.
Oh cool cool i've been to clear water before T-T i didnt get to go in the water though which sucked....see now i want to go to the beach lmao...i might go for my birthday been a while since i last went XD oh congrats to your friend
Lol you should go then the waves are calling. That'd be a pretty sweet birthday. Yeah she's super excited everyday she texts with the countdown it's adorable.
I'm sure I have no business commenting on this. I would love to have a bf. Been single for almost 10 years. But whatever happens, happens
May 19, 15 at 4:13pm
serah2012 your not the only one, I also had no girlfriend for 10 years till I finally got one. It's a matter of taking action.
Im sure you will find a bf soon serah and you too jetzain you will find a girlfriend soon enough
May 19, 15 at 9:04pm
@Panda-kun I hope we all do it might take some efforts and prays but we will Because we are mean to be with someone And you too Panda you'll soon find one too
May 19, 15 at 9:17pm
I've been single for like 6 months now and befor that 23 years lol I only have had one girlfriend that last about 6 months. I would not mind a girlfreind if she was cool and ok with a weird guy like me and like the same things and we got along really well. Panda-kun Start with asking girls out then see if you have stuff in common and get alone doing stuff then then start dating and become bf and gf.
Turn Yandere,kill all your Rival,kidnap your Senpai
Omg yaaass oinching except i wont have to turn yandere XD
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