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Hello, I am Halie. How are you? I have like no friends whom I can talk to about anime, kingdom hearts, manga or story stuff. Normally If I talk about it, people's eyes gaze over and they look quite overwhelmed. They don't even know about doctor who or harry potter! I want to have fun.
And fun you shall have, fun you shall *evil grin* Welcome to Hel.. I mean.. OtakuLand. *Guy runs up to sell merchandise* "Get outta here!.. Bum." No, welcome, Halie. Cool name. Hope you enjoy talking to the peoples here! We're all like-minded demons. :)
May 14, 15 at 11:30pm
Hey Halie, welcome to MO. Enjoy your stay here and hopefully you find what you're looking for ^^
So far I am amused, which is good
Kaede @kaederukawa commented on Hello
May 14, 15 at 11:41pm
Hello there and welcome to MO
Welcome is all I got
May 15, 15 at 4:16am
Welcome halie nice to meet you :) glad to have you with us hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here lol you sound like me actually i literally have zero friends who even like anime irl
asekuro @asekuro commented on Hello
May 15, 15 at 12:19pm
Hey nice to meet you and welcome!
May 16, 15 at 11:32am
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
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