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edit: oops lol

May 14, 15 at 5:12pm
I've never spoken to you before but I have the same issue. It's painful to be ignored or have a conversation dry out but the truths are: -they are busy and cannot respond -they do not know how to reply -they're not interested in you. In which case it's time to move on. There is nothing wrong with your personality if no one has pointed it out. It's you who's the biggest critic of yourself. I don't mesh well with a lot of people and it stinks, but sometimes I get lucky and in that case, we do get very close. There's nothing wrong with me, it's just the chance of me finding the right person. Like I said I've never spoken to you so I can't give you specific suggestions, but right now I can only say be your wonderful self, and don't give up; continue interacting with people. There is always a friend somewhere out there.
I see... I had the same problem back when I joined. I ended up just replying very casually on this site and only checking here and there as years progressed. Yep, years. I joined very ambitiously and was aggressive, but the age gaps deterred me from mingling too much. In any case, I tend not to pet anyone's ego on this site and just try to have a care free time. That is the only advice I can give. Getting too caught on the "why this person didn't respond and that person stopped. I know, I'll block you/unfriend you to show how I detest you" is pretty wasteful. Instead why not just try other sites in the meantime, indulge in your hobbies and give it time or harass other peeps! As Redd pointed out, some people are not as diligent with this site as others, so taking offense will only bring ya down. ALSO: I'd like to point out that it takes two to tango!!! Give & Take!!! etc etc *Obasan rant over*
- @reddwin commented on edit: oops lol
May 14, 15 at 7:55pm
Well, people just like to post their opinions on things sometimes. Not everyone gets a response especially in those popular threads. Mmmaybe I'm wrong but I'm sure people have to survey each other before they make connections? And ye half of my conversations go in my private inbox. I'm pretty sure people do make connections here though. I mean this is a dating site after all lol As much as I'd like to find a partner I don't want to be desperate. I'd rather just chillout and have fun, responding to posts whenever I feel like it and not feel like it's some obligation I must fulfill to get a date. Take it easy and make casual friends, they will eventually build to something more.
Hmm, I can see your problem there, but I think it's just the lack of people on here, or that come on. Even I admit I don't get on here much, I usually don't talk much, I can communicate at my best when someone else starts the conversation, so I usually don't talk to others unless something already started, I think it's because 1: I don't like to waste my time unless the other person wants to talk 2: I get so busy with stupid irl that I forget to come on here(Although I'm sure everyone else has that as well...) and 3: Not enough conversations are fully Otaku-based(To me)... More factors are time zones, since you got people from around the world here. Functionality, while MO is good for foruming and posting(To a certain point), I wouldn't say it's the best place for full-on communication, for me, and it's just what I prefer, is a regular group chat system like skype or facebook has. (Although they are both shit so it's kind of pointless) MO is still in early stages so I really don't complain at all, but if there are topics you were in, and like to keep up-to-date with them, it isn't that easy, since you got a looong list of other recent stuff, which where a filter needs to be in... (Though that's for the suggestions thread) Anyhow, back on topic, the usual problem is that people don't have the time to manage, even for someone like me that does have a bit too much time sometimes, it isn't always that easy... I do at least chat here and there with those on MO(At least I think some are) off facebook chat.(Used to be skype but it's just too shitty for me to handle, and about to be fakebook as well...) But even now there isn't much communication. Sometimes, people aren't putting in the effort you put out... For me I usually try at least 100% when someone talks to me, and I put out about the same with a good otaku topic in the air.
Cero @cero commented on edit: oops lol
May 23, 15 at 1:08am
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