Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype

ABeardedSenpai @zackyzack
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
ABeardedSenpai @zackyzack
Looking for Weeaboos and le otakus to skype, game, and watch anime with cause me and my fellow 2 weebs are getting lonely and want to meet more of our people. pc master race. ♥

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
cabbage @donnierye
idk man, you used 'le'.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Lol welcome to the site XD hope you enjoy it here i can add you on skype lol and invite you into my skype group if you want

ABeardedSenpai @zackyzack
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
ABeardedSenpai @zackyzack
@DonnieRye lelelelelelele
@panda-kun I've been on for a while just never said anything, but yeah man that sounds nice! xD

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Ohh ok ok i see lmao well yeah just message me your user and i will add you

SquidNeko @darkcharmander
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
SquidNeko @darkcharmander
AZ? Where is that?
Where are you from?

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
cabbage @donnierye
AZ most likely refers to Arizona, a state in the USA.

BasedSempai @basedsempai
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
BasedSempai @basedsempai
Welcome to MO m80, I hope you enjoy yourself here & find what you're looking for *tips fedora*

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
Welcome to MO hope you have a splendid time i would ask to eat you but that beard though

beatsbodyshot @beatsbodyshot
commented on
Lookin' fo weebs to game and skype
beatsbodyshot @beatsbodyshot
Show me how you grew it I wanna learn
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