English Sub versus English Dub

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
English Sub versus English Dub
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
So many watch many animese in both English Subtitle version and also English Dub versions. Many say that the Original is always better, with subtitle. So What Is your reply to that?

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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English Sub versus English Dub
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
Correct! would be my reply...
Although I have ONE exception, Berserk, Its style and setting makes a perfect backdrop for the english VA cast.
other than that, i once threw my soda in the air and fell backwards from my chair, when i accidently put on Cowboy bebop and it was dubbed not subbed... oh the horror...

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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English Sub versus English Dub
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
I agree subtitles are better because they were drawn for the language and they didn't have to rephrase the script to make it fit the language. Subs all the way

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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English Sub versus English Dub
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
Depending on the show and voice actors cast, I mostly like English dub but still will watch English sub to see the differences. I will say some Eng. dubs suck, top one on my list of those so far would be Cardcaptor Sakura (renamed Cardcaptors for US distribution), and I haven't gotten to watch much of Spice and Wolf with Eng. dub but from the small section I have, I did not enjoy the casting or Horo being called Holo (mostly hated her voice actor because it sounded a lot older, like a 30 or 40 year old and forced seductive rather than a late teen/young adult).

vicarious_life @vicarious_life
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English Sub versus English Dub
vicarious_life @vicarious_life
SUBS FOREVER AND ALWAYS. Raws if I can have them. I love watching raws and then subs to see how much I caught.
As for dubs, I often find myself exasperated with the translations. IS IT THAT HARD? They change so much that it's not even funny.
I wish I could just topple funimation.
The company that did Durarara!!! is pretty good. That's how you do a dub. Match the original voices, etc. Hellsing Ultimate's dub is also lovely. Funimation crap, on the other hand. (Namely their love of Vic and CRAP SHOOT DUB OF "Kuroshitsuji" which started by the overly racist title of "Black Butler" (Kuroshitsuji is a play on words and there are many in the whole show. (Aku made tsuji vs. Akuma de tsuji being the key thing lost in context.) (Sebastian's I'm "One Hell of a butler" in the Japanese version can be misheard as "I'm a demon butler" by the placement of a single character FUNIMATION DID NOT INCLUDE THAT AS A NOTE AT ALL. Anyways, the title's kanji could have been read "Black Death Butler" or something along those lines but the need for something catchy led to it just sounding racist. That entire dub is a failure and makes me cringe.
End tangents.
Anyways, my verdict is subs or dubs, whichever, as long as THEY AREN'T HALF-ASSED.
Seriously, you guys should come sit with me and watch the English version of Kuro on Netflix. It's hellfire.

animerangen @animerangen
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English Sub versus English Dub
animerangen @animerangen
Subs all thee way!!!.
while there are some rare times the dubs sound ok (Black Lagoon)
I prefer subs.
The original Language sounds so comforting, i can get lost in it, and i can understand the context better.

elan @elan
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English Sub versus English Dub
elan @elan
i dot between the two... if im tidying my room i'll watch something in dub. that way if i hear something interesting i will know what they're on about... otherwise room doesn't get clean and i sit on my arse all day watching anime DX
also if i have started in dub i usually finish in dub.... and vice versa~ but overall i prefer subs. DRRR i found was very weird in dub... not to mention one piece is GOD AWFUL in dub there was just no heart in it for me!!!
i love funimation~ and if the whole world had to choose between funimation and 4kids... well we all know who'd win~~~
although hetalia is strangely the ONLY anime i can watch in both dub and sub and still be happy <3

nesnes @nesnes
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English Sub versus English Dub
nesnes @nesnes
Depends on the show, but mostly sub. There are a couple of shows that are better in dub, and a few that are around the same either way. For example, I'd only ever do Bamboo Blade in dub. Black Butler and Hellsing are pretty awesome in dubs. I'd also only ever do Fairy Tail in dubs as well. Durarara is definitely sub for me. Most every other show I'd only do subs ;p.

SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
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English Sub versus English Dub
SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
For me, like the others say, it depends on the show. I find that if it is an anime from the 90's or earlier I will watch it in dubs with the exception of a few, I blame my love of kung-fu movies for this cause I love cheesy voice acting. If it is a anime more recent I tend to watch in sub if I can because I really hate the sound of most all of the voice actors that do dubs for anime today, especially Steven Blum. I was fine with his Spike,and I he will always be Tom from Toonami but that is about it. It doesn't help that I hear his voice every where I go... drives me nutty.
For hentai raw is enough, like I can't tell what is going on XD.

kenjitamura @kenjitamura
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English Sub versus English Dub
kenjitamura @kenjitamura
I can only ever bring myself to watch anime with subtitles. There are a couple animes that sounded decent in English like Inuyasha, but most of the time the American dubs are just done with very poor quality voice casting and recording. If the animation studios did their voice overs at the same level that Nickelodeon has been doing with Avatar I would most certainly watch more dubs. Otherwise I do enjoy listening to the japanese dubs because I can tell they're quality recordings and the voice actors were carefully casted.
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