rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
Enjoy your Ballerhorn for a month.. ;w;
I want it to not be nerfed, ever.
xueli @xueli
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xueli @xueli
Yeah, but for that nerf in particular I blame dick players. When so many people start legit gating participation on pickup games due to possession of a single weapon, that'll provoke a response from developers.
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
I think that is partly the case. Bungie wants us to try out different guns, and making our hard earn guns obsolete and calling it year one guns is an insult to our dedication ( and our grind ). It's nice to see that they are " balancing " ( Thorn gets a poison stack? ) some of the guns that are over used.
kenron12 @kenron12
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kenron12 @kenron12
Played sense beta and day one, got the blacksmith shader too. Lv 34 Hunter.
B. @verflucht
commented on
B. @verflucht
Titan Xbox One, I love bungie, I've owned every game they have ever produced and loved it, but Destiny was a massive let down, the role playing elements are almost transparent, the voice acting is amateur, sorry Peter, the ending bore me to tears and the story was so lacking, and there was no tangible antagonist or 'boss' that rivals you, I did have fun with the game though, but after 2 weeks... I couldn't even play it anymore, I tried so hard to like it, the content was lacking and side missions were absolute hogwash, just repetitive fetch quests with no ally NPC's in sight, just seeing all those NPC's at the Tower doing absolute nothing really got me going, bloody hell Warframe did a better job.
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
They are replacing Peter at least, in the newest update. I think it's fun when you're playing with friends, because really the community is strong when it comes to this game. I don't like the quests either but I only did it because I have an addiction to grinding out my weapons.
alexial_leonhart @alexial_leonhart
commented on
alexial_leonhart @alexial_leonhart
I played Destiny a lot up to the first DLC, I got bored of upgrading the same weapons and doing the same thing bounties all the time. The worlds also got boring to me after awhile. I primarily used my Titan and made a Warlock just for kicks afterwards.
cuppycake @cuppycake
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cuppycake @cuppycake
Well I play Destiny all the time. Like every day if I can. I play on ps4 and all my characters are each class and all at lvl 34. Restarting my Titan and already at 34. Just working on her subclass. I made a new one since I didnt have a awoken and I never had a female character. So yea... add if you wish. I'm always glad to help! LightTenchi
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
commented on
Johnathan Masaki @tenchi_masaki3
I really hate myself on this game during any strike mission im able to always beat it without dying at all yet whenever i get the mission "dont die during a strike" or some reason i just start dying left and right in the most random ways its like wow! Ive had the mission for like 3 days and still haven't completed it im so ashamed!!! T_T
cuppycake @cuppycake
commented on
cuppycake @cuppycake
Lol It's cool man... that's why you should try to do it with friends. If your doing it with friends it makes it easier since you can just leave and rejoin them as if you never died. BTW love the username! Lol
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