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Girlfriend makes profile on dating site

Yeah well anyway good luck friend hope your relationship lasts for centuries lmao
Hey, Panda-kun.. If, you wanna you can add me here, or my skype. Girlz.Gone.Wild Or really anyone if they want can. I'm not very.. Good with adding people, I reach out, and then fall.. I let people contact me, because I think I'm bothering them.. but, knowing the person, I will start opening up... If, you know what I mean? Guess, shy? In, werid ways idk.. I'm just some guy. Lol! Looking for friend to talk to I guess. Thanks for the reply's and and reading my posts awesome in its self, thank you!
Yeah sure i can add you haha you know me and you think alike its sort of scary XD cause im the saaaame way lol but yeah sure i like making new friends :3
I'm going to add one more thing. Yes, you should trust her, but she needs to respect you. Really, none of your or her personal information should be discussed with random people online. It's ya'lls business. It really just sounds like a big communication gap, but trying to look into her activities shows a lack of trust. Also,before you even think about a realistic future together, do you and her justice by meeting up in real life. We often build up a persona in our heads and fall for that, thats called infatuation. Love is a HUGE word and i hope you truly know what all that involves before taking the next step. I would say more, but I'd be stepping over my boundaries. I can not and will not judge what you feel, but just think and make DAMN sure there's a clear line of respect and communication. Also, think realistic. Life is a long time and you are still very young. Friends are never a problem, but if they seem to bring down rather than build up, they are only weighing you down.
Um no? That's called being possessive. If you can't deal with simple things like that then your probably not ready to even date.
Mr. Unk - I know how you feel but you have to put some reigns on it or you will psych yourself out. It is not unnatural to have doubts and the desire to bond is strong at your age. Nature & relationships can fuck with your head in so many subtle ways. Trust me there are only three things a person can not live without on earth: food, water, protection from dangerous elements. Everything else is up to you to grant it's value. I leave you with a quote of sci-fi that is real life truth. “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune
May 11, 15 at 4:06pm
Yeah. Online is trouble. Both of you should join a club/interest group together and find new friends in real life.
well if you sleep 7-8h then you should feel better
When I got in my first relationship in middle school, I sorta went through what you went through. She was a popular girl and many boys talked to her and that made me a little jealous. I kept it to myself and eventually we broke up because it wasn't working out, only lasted about a month anyways. As you get more experience with dating you will come to realize that at the end of the day, if you are the one she comes home to or is the last person she speaks with, that is all you need. It's the same concept of dating someone in High School. You are not going to be in every single class with this girl and she most likely will talk with her guy friends in that class, you can't control it and you shouldn't be bothered by it. I know from my experiences, girls do not want to be smothered with "What are you doing" "Where are you" "Who is with you" stuff like that. You'll learn, trust me.
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