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So, I got hit on the other day

By our age, it is socially expected of us to have social skills.
^ To hell with expectations. I do agree it's important though; I wouldn't be surprised if there are such classes, almost like a charm school.
Charm School of Love? With Mo'Nique? Yes, I remember all the VH1 shows like Flavor of Love, Rock of Love, I love Money, and I Love New York.
^ xD xD I accept you! Man, those shows used to get me good. I think you got all of them, too. They should have just saved resources and put all the women on "I Love Money" in the first place.
Well, they were milking them for all they were worth
May 14, 15 at 10:50am
I've only ever watched one episode of rock of love and that was to watch these girls in sky high heels try to strike a stage. It was both hilarious and cringeworthy. I forgot that properly wrapping cables is not something most people know. Don't wrap your electrical cords like a rock climber guys! You'll ruin the inside
May 23, 15 at 1:00am
This account has been suspended.
May 24, 15 at 8:08pm
I get hit on a lot lately. One girl at this sushi restaurant was totally giving me the eyes and I gave them back. The cashier at Wal-Mart was totally hitting on me too. Don't know what it is about me nowadays. I must be pretty attractive to some people.
Not sure if you were hit on or not. I talk to people about the weather all the time. Doesn't mean I am interested in them. Who knows. everyone is different. Now you got to look for what girls do for flirting. I got told that playing with the hair is one, but I never know. I don't flirt, no clue how.
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