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So, I got hit on the other day

I was walking to the library in this really busy area in the city and the girl definitely had eyes for me; the feeling was reciprical. We were in a general store and I thought nothing of it until I left some few minutes before her and she miraculously managed to catch up to me far along down the street.. next thing I know she's walking at a rather brisk pace beside me. At this point, I feel flattered beyond belief that she had mapped out my movements; a worthy foe indeed (lmao.)I look beside me and I'm shocked to see her, I thought "well, this is unexpected." So, she see's me and makes a remark about the weather, "It's so nice out except for this wind!" She laughs a little and flashes me a sincere smile. What do I do? Panic D: I literally just looked at her and utter this nervous laugh, "Yeah." She just looks at me still smiling and waiting for an actual reply. Nothing. Niente. Zilch. I think she figured I attended the University, as she merged into a crowd of students all the while looking at me expecting to cross the street with her; I felt like an imbecile. I would have actually said something else if it all hadn't happened so suddenly, but I'm no good at small-talk, and if I had a second chance, I'd take the plunge right there and say "You want to get a coffee? My treat." What are your thoughts on this? Was I negligent here or did I act reasonably under the circumstances? It just stinks because she looked like the kind of girl that would have probably shared the same interests; you know what you know, as they say.
You did everything wrong in this scenario. You should have continued to talk to her. I mean, you could have grabbed her by the balls! And after awhile you could have squeezed them too! (talking metaphorically of course). You failed. Now let the shame take over your being. How does it feel to be a loser? Hurts doesn't it? Well let that feeling consume the inspiration the next time you find yourself in a similar scenario. Let this be a message to not be a puss puss. What's that? My cat didn't like me calling you that. Pussies are cats. Here is my advice in full Make eye contact- if she does it means she likes you. Also if she smiles (which she did) Keep the conversation going. For Christ's sake man, don't shut down! Say something to get her to seal the future's fate like "let's go out for coffee". Or at least, ask her some basic questions! If you can manage a second meetup, continue to chisel away at her until she reveals her real self. And finally man, have some GOD DAMN SELF CONFIDENCE. Women love balls. That is all. President Polk away!
You dodged the bullet this time http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk28/catina95/Anime/Baka%20and%20Test/bakatotesttoshokanjuu00007.jpg
lmao. President Polk xD I may change mine to a president now. & I don't know what qualifies as "basic questions." I'm not good at all with small-talk; mostly because I find it superfluous. I definitely did step on the ball though. Rats !
Oh my God man, did you not have basic social skills 101? Here are basic questions straight from the Mac Daddy himself "Hello, how are you?" "How is it going"? "What did you do today?" "Are you a student? Or do you work? Where are you from? What do you like? Oh I like that too!" If you can't get responses and positive body language from that, she doesn't like you. You can't expect a woman to come up to you and start coming on to you. Society dictates that men pursue the woman, EVEN IF THE WOMAN SHOWS INTEREST FIRST. I know, double standard. But man up! DO THE FUCKING JOB! LIKE A BOSS. LIKE A PRESIDENT
Could always stick with the straight up classic..."Enough with the small talk. Wanna fuck?". Really though, if you see her again, just strike up a conversation. Anything works, really. It's always easy to know what to do, but when the time comes, most do tend to freeze up. Just do it next time. What's the worst that happens? She doesn't like you? Pffft..And? There are thousands more out there, my friend. Thousands more. But, I understand. ..Been there done that...I tend to go all derp if caught off guard. Such is life. Live and learn or be doomed to repeat.
May 10, 15 at 12:20pm
@darkhorse (I have no idea if you were purposely trying to sound cool but I'll assume you weren't) It's nice that you're giving OP advice to take the initiative but you need to calm down and stop calling people "losers" or failures because they were too shy to speak to their love interest. There are plenty of men in the world who feel the same and there's no goddamn rule that men have to persue the women first, and you say "you can't expect women to come up to you," but that's EXACTLY what happened to the OP, hello? And honestly I prefer men who are very humble than overconfident, because guess what, not all women like that. Way to go, Mr. President. @crimsonsun It's not the end of the world. You might've not gotten her that day, but next time remember to not make the same mistake again, and just say something, anything. Even one sentence can spark many others after it. Good luck.
@Red- It's not that people are "losers" if they don't take initiative, it's only when they complain about how lonely and sad they are and do nothing. Having basic communication skills is something everyone should have. I'm not saying our friend here should go guns blazing into a scenario with women, but when a woman is talking to you, at least keep the conversation going. Don't back down and later complain how you backed down. I used to be a loser. Women didn't want to talk to me. I had no guys or confidence. I hated myself. Then I woke the hell up, started bettering myself, and got the girl. It's possible. And by the way, single people aren't losers- Losers are people who bitch that they can't get women and do nothing to change. It may be harsh, but life sucks. That's why you got to put on your big boy pants and beat the shit out of your struggles (metaphorically). On a side note, I don't always get women to come over to my house, but when I do, it's usually my mother or my sister lol. I want our friend here to feel like a loser and taste the putrid taste of defeat. The humiliation will be his inspiration when he becomes a hero. Heroes aren't born, they are made. But he'll be fine.
May 10, 15 at 12:47pm
You're not alone man... it's pretty difficult for some of us. I actually have a somewhat similar experience... when I was in the 8th grade there was this girl that would occasionally come up to me, greet me, show interest in things I do. I was extremely shy back then, never really took any action, but she seemed really nice and she sort of grew on me. I knew I was going to move soon, not far but enough to be in a different school for high school. She seemed to try to get my attention a bit at graduation... I held back. After I walked out with my diploma I tried to tell myself I would say something to her, sort of confess feelings, whatever. The second I got outside my family was waiting for me, they wanted to take me out to dinner to celebrate. I was too embarrassed to tell them to wait, I left. I've never seen her since, sometimes I wonder how my life may have possibly been different if I at least tried, but I didn't, now it's something I live with. I'm not going to be the guy to say man up and make a move, because I get it, it can be very nerve wracking. But if someone approaches you just try to keep the conversation going, they won't think you're weird, they're approaching you for a reason. :)
May 10, 15 at 1:09pm
@darkhorse Have you ever heard of this human emotion called being NERVOUS? I mean, a random cute girl comes out of nowhere and talks to this guy. What does he do? Well, as you can see he didn't exactly know what to say or do. It's natural to not know what to do in a situation like this, but it seems your all knowing ability for women must be really great to just grind this guy's thread down... good job. :P
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