Hi New Potential Friends :D

AKA_Zero @aka_zero
Hi New Potential Friends :D
AKA_Zero @aka_zero
I am just your normal socially awkward dude, that really doesn't like being socially awkward o~o. So how about we be friends c: and Yes I mean you!! The one with the face xD!

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
look theres something on your face *punches* IT WAS PAIN (ill give 10 points to whoever gets that reference ^^)

deatheater42 @deatheater42
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
deatheater42 @deatheater42
It was pain is from asdf movie

AKA_Zero @aka_zero
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
AKA_Zero @aka_zero
HA! Yea I totally remember now xD them asdf movies are the best

Zen94 @zen94
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
Zen94 @zen94
"I baked you a pie"
"what flavor?"
"Pie flavor"

deatheater42 @deatheater42
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
deatheater42 @deatheater42
Die potato! Not today!

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
What about those without faces? Are they out?

sirrae73 @sirrae73
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
sirrae73 @sirrae73
*draws xingthecrow a face* :) *tapes to nub on shoulders*

shindenjinryu031490 @shindenjinryu031490
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
shindenjinryu031490 @shindenjinryu031490
Well I just literally joined this sithe like 30min ago so sure

katiecutie35 @katiecutie35
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
katiecutie35 @katiecutie35
I love making new friends so okay :D
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