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About to finish tokyo ghoul season 1

And well tbh i dont see what all the hype was about the series the only part i liked was episode 5 cause nishio was a loyal badass for his girl
Because the anime was actually a disappointment to most of the TG manga fans. Compared to the manga, the anime was not very good. The hype came from everyone probably thinking the anime was going to be an amazing adaptation. Then the hype for season two was probably huge because of the fact that it was supposed to be an "original" story when the anime was like probably 20% original and everything else was basically the same but with a lot of things left out. As a stand alone anime TG isn't bad, but when compared to the manga you will see a big difference.
the manga is even worse...
It can't be helped if you're not a fan.
Well i dont read manga except for Hiyokoi as it was a one shot episode anime
Jethex may i kindly remind you ghouls and ccg have feelings too we hurt its not our fault if people are not satisfied but we can eat them
yeah tokyo ghoul is definitely not for everyone, a lot of people probably like it because it's different then most anime and has some gore in it.
As somebody who's never read the manga, I kinda liked it. Wasn't keen at the beginning. I thought Kaneki spent far too much time being a little b*tch and not enough time revelling in awesome ghoulish power. Overall it felt a bit rushed and I wish a lot of things had been given more time to develop.
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