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4-kids the worst duder ever.

Many of you young anime fans may not know this but One Piece was almost killed in the USA by 4-Kids the first English duder in the USA. Out of the 150 eps dud by them. Only 104 where put out do too One Piece being One Piece. http://i.imgur.com/z6X6lKs.png http://content.ytmnd.com/content/b/6/c/b6c101fff31dd3ef2205dd0097114de8.jpg https://tejiendolahistoria.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/1152997494236.jpg http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081125173137/onepiece/de/images/c/c5/Helmeppo_bedroht_Corby_(4Kids-Version).jpg http://www.anivision.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/comeon.jpg http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/10042008/9/3/e/c/93eca859a101c0_full.jpg
I'm pretty sure being bludgeoned to death by a spring-loaded hammer is a slower and more painful way to be killed than being shot in the head
Apr 23, 15 at 10:11pm
Yeah it was messed up. Smoker did not even have is cigars.
Also, what is a "duder"? Did you mean dub? The 4kids version of One Piece would be more of a localization than a dub.
Apr 23, 15 at 11:02pm
Wait, what? I understand why their would censor smoking and alcohol (even though it's stupid) but what's wrong with Luffy's mouth being open? Screw 4kids man >.>
Apr 23, 15 at 11:06pm
They trun a black man, white. It was f up. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/198/1/8/4kids_is_racist__PROOF_by_ZoeTheHedgehog.jpg
Apr 23, 15 at 11:11pm
Thanks to 4-kids you will not see this english dud ever. The only time Ash got more then one Pokemon. Where do you think all those Tauros come from http://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-2706599-2-TeamRocketGun_zpse07b584e.png
lol @ that 4th comparison http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll287/21wq/ponies/thumb_zpsco5vtvgq.png
I never knew 4kids hated black people
Apr 24, 15 at 12:46am
"4Kids may seek to "Americanize" a program by changing character names, dialog, music, food, or stereotypes which would be unfamiliar or even offensive to an American audience" -wiki
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