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I came to a realization yesterday. . .

In the BBS days used to do this a lot, very fun. They had a monthly get together so people were more nice to each other since you could piss off someone that lived in town lol. I did RL meet this one woman I met on a internet dating chat site that lived in the area a couple years ago. I agreed to meet her and her friend at this fancy pizza place that was new in town. She seemed cool online but in person I started to think I was actually texting her firend the whole time. That dinner felt longer and more awkward than the last dinner I had with my former fiance when we split. I know people that met online and lived happily ever after too, life is life online or offline.
Man, how could you even live with yourself like that. I treat Online and Real-Life encounters as one. There's no differentiation between the two, and their shouldn't be. When I first met Joe after we had talked online for about 7 years I gave that motherfucker a big ass hug. Commence random debouchery of shooting guns at his parents house, sneaking behind a hospital in the pitch black night just to see fireflies in a forgotten junkyard that was long forgotten and had shrubbery growing on it, walking through a crazy haunted fort (even during the day) and many other memories that will never be forgotten. It's all about how you handle yourself within the situation, time waits for no-one and doesn't care how you spend it. So why not just make the best of every moment when you meet someone instead of being awkward and weird. As comical as it may have been (in my perspective) it was probably just really weird to onlookers. But that's how I am with anyone I meet for the first time that I've been talking online to for months/years. It makes no difference to me, just another adventure waiting to happen. Yeah, I may be nervous or something along those lines but I'd never show it to them. They'd just get a big ass hug and a hearty life followed with a smile and some fucking great memories. There's no way I'd waste my time being awkward around someone I've been wanting to meet for so long be it chick or dude. Tips: Grow some balls, or just get some oranges and put them in your pants to give the effect of having balls. (Walmart Brand Recommended) ((Don't even know if Walmart sells them, I hate the human population so I don't go into stores.)) ~Shadow
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