Biggest Turn-on

gamerguy171 @gamerguy171
Biggest Turn-on
gamerguy171 @gamerguy171
I thought that this would be an interesting thread to hear what people say! I will start things off with mine:
When a woman can out-geek me in something.

Zen94 @zen94
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Biggest Turn-on
Zen94 @zen94
hollow ichigo...2nd would prolly be a girl who can match my nerdness

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
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Biggest Turn-on
xingthecrow @xingthecrow

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Biggest Turn-on
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Someone that can hold up their end of a conversation.

NujabesRIP @hopeless_romantic
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Biggest Turn-on
NujabesRIP @hopeless_romantic
Women that play the piano. Hmmm and a woman that's assertive and knows what she wants.

animedragon1992 @animedragon1992
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Biggest Turn-on
animedragon1992 @animedragon1992
Massages,honesty,shyness, and if a girl out geeks me in something i like lol.

KenpachiZaraki @kenpachizaraki
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Biggest Turn-on
KenpachiZaraki @kenpachizaraki
Modesty, promiscuity or coming on too strong sexually is a huge turn off to me, if I can get it easy, then who else got it easy.

Mop @mop
commented on
Biggest Turn-on
Mop @mop
Are we talking about turn-ons sexually or just things we would like to find in a partner? Either way, I will just make a list of whatever I like, sexual or otherwise. Biting, green eyes, tackle-pins ( when you're lightly tackled onto a bed and then pinned down), playing video games together, boldness, playing with the back of my neck, creativity, enthusiasm for anything and everything. >//<

Ghost @kuharido
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Biggest Turn-on
Ghost @kuharido
Talking about our core values. haha

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
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Biggest Turn-on
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
Children's Card Games.
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