Paintball vs. Airsoft
mythalot @mythalot
Paintball vs. Airsoft
mythalot @mythalot
Hello organism thats reading
ya topic is ^ there and so... ya '
I myself go with paintball because u cant really prove u got hit with a bb
Tell me what u choose and why.
Id like to hear what u guys think
Just saiyan (LOL)
boundbyluck @boundbyluck
commented on
Paintball vs. Airsoft
boundbyluck @boundbyluck
If you are playing with good airsoft players, you don't have to prove anything. They accept they got hit and sometimes you just here the cursing that comes along with pain.
Paintball is more fun because its just a disaster, and the paint splash still counts even if you were not hit. So you have to be a bit more careful than with airsoft, where if it isn't a direct hit, it does not count. Also you don't have to worry when playing with kids, and they might still kick your ass if you are not careful.
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Paintball vs. Airsoft
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
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Paintball vs. Airsoft
Gwidhw @whataknifeguy
Went to play paintball, first time.
Got shot in the mask, the shoulder; was out.
Started walking off the game area.
Guy unloads paintball rounds in my back; not expected.
10/10 revenge was sweet.
boundbyluck @boundbyluck
commented on
Paintball vs. Airsoft
boundbyluck @boundbyluck
Revenge is sweet in paintball ... if in need of revenge always shoot the weak spot.
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