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Canon Anime Ships

Apr 03, 15 at 9:18pm
I'm pretty sure all of you get this anime lingo about anime ships but if you don't, here's a simple definition of what it is. It's the approval of an anime relationship (or any relationship in general), this can be canon or non-canon in terms of media. Now, away from that little anime lesson, what canon anime characters to you ship in an anime? Personally, I ship Kirino and Kyousuke from OreImo. I mean, sure they're related I think, but they work so well together. I raise the banner to this pairing.
Apr 03, 15 at 9:30pm
Canon as in, already established? No fantasy shipping? That takes out half the fun! Well, I guess for me it'd be http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/244/d/5/ryuuji_x_taiga___restless__by_xxloverdeepdownxx-d2xtaof.jpg I just love how well they work together. Tsundere and Serious behaviour always maked for funny moments XD! https://jedko.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/sample-158cafd32b8091350be168daf729.jpg Battler and Beatrice. Those two are just awesome individually, but when they finally come together it's even more amazing! And I can't forget NaruHina of course. That was my very first shipping :P http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/135/2/6/peaceful_times___naruhina_by_angysan-d3gfgi6.jpg
@ otakujt Kirino and kyosuke pairing I agree completely And naruhina as well. As for one piece I think boa and luffy would be an odd but fun pairing
NaruxHina 2015, prepare your bumber stickers. ChidorixSasouke RanxShinichi
Apr 04, 15 at 4:18pm
Any yaoi anime canon pairing. I don't actually know many heterosexual canon anime pairings that I particularly like... What do you consider it, if it "can" be canon, like in visual novels, but the anime of the visual novel decides to make her/him go with another girl/guy than what you chose in the game? I think that's why I tend to dislike harem anime in general. I usually don't like the "standard" love interests. The heterosexual ones I can think of, that I really like are not confirmed and only hinted at, so they're not really canon...
Kirino and Kyousuke. Taiga and Ryuuji. Both good [read: "great"] choices.
file:///C:/Users/Carlos/Downloads/Monogatari.full.1231246.jpg Hitagi and Araraji!<3
Apr 10, 15 at 12:12pm
Aww...You beat me too it. I was literally just about to post a similar thread but since it's here I guess one of my favorite shippings canon wise are EdWin from FMA
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