Social and political structure of the world
Mikorin @exad
Social and political structure of the world
Mikorin @exad
So, long ago, before we knew as much about the world as we do today, before technology allowed us to communicate across the planet to each other with ease, we formed a political, monetary and social structure..
Where do you think things are going? Do you think it's flawed? will it eventually break down?
Kohagura @kohagura
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Social and political structure of the world
Kohagura @kohagura
It seems many more countries are making English mandatory, including Japan(though they still have trouble with fluency), so I think it will definitely be easier to communicate in the future.
My first best friend online was Dutch from Netherlands, who was fluent in English. I know having him, he led me to my next best friend, who is now my #1 best friend... so without him, without people in the Netherlands knowing English, I would have been a sad sad and lonely person for the rest of my life, probably.
It could be bad for the economy or not, I don't know, but I know that being able to communicate in one language around the world definitely would be a plus.
I don't think it's possible to have just one social structure, since there's so much cultural and historic ties, and not everyone will agree with just one.
boundbyluck @boundbyluck
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Social and political structure of the world
boundbyluck @boundbyluck
We as a structure, we don't break down we either fix or reform and always based on the thoughts, wants and needs of those who lead.
Politics is the one things that might doom us all in the end of our history. Lets face it every single problem we have had in the past century is attributed to politics, in one way or another.
As for languages, yes one single language would help us all. I mean the romans did it in their empire, why hasnt humanity learned to put together one language for everyone to use.
(The problem with only one existing language is that some individuals in some countries will see it as a form of dominance by the nation represented by the language.)
As for economy, well does language affect it ... it does ... but the scale is too small.
If we didn't have monopolies and corruption ... we would be much better.
Kohagura @kohagura
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Social and political structure of the world
Kohagura @kohagura
Yeah, politics are still a problem, and I can't see them ever being solved as long as we have diverse range of governments, political views, religions, etc. Then there's the whole fairness in humanity... like not everywhere in the world would want to accept all people as equal. Women and homosexuals still have huge issues in some places, and even the most progressive countries still have scars of it left in society that are still healing.
So, I think for those reasons, it's best to have separate countries and governments at least. Just gotta hope there can be enough neutrality between them not to start wars.
Ḑ̧̖͕̖̘̱̅̊ͤ̄͒̂͘͞e̒ͫ̌̄̇ͣ͌̆͆ @devil_gene
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Social and political structure of the world
Ḑ̧̖͕̖̘̱̅̊ͤ̄͒̂͘͞e̒ͫ̌̄̇ͣ͌̆͆ @devil_gene
well today the political system is more about money and control than it has about people. they're to trick and subjugate the people. anything relating to government are a bad joke
alonzealonzo @alonzealonzo
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Social and political structure of the world
alonzealonzo @alonzealonzo
As Kohagura said... Politics especially in other countries will not except equality the same as other countries... For example, In Saudi Arabia, all citizens are Royal blood... meaning they are rich and will never do any type of labor work... They hire immigrants from other countries to work for less than $1 an hour to build 1 billion dollar hotels and resorts.. Ask someone from the USA that and they will say thats inhuman... But ask anyone in Saudi Arabia and they will say thats normal... These view clearly separate peoples around the world about equality
drmario @drmario
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Social and political structure of the world
drmario @drmario
I think I would need to write an essay to even begin to answer this question.
@devil_gene when has the political system not been about money and control?
Kohagura @kohagura
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Social and political structure of the world
Kohagura @kohagura
Yes, another example is female genital mutilation, which I'm pretty sure just about anyone not in Africa/Middle East will say is completely barbaric... but in many countries in Africa, it's normal up to 90%, and even most of the older women there see it as a sign of high status and support it.
Not all girls there support it, like one would tell about how traumatic and painful it was for her, and she didn't know anything that was happening at the time since she was still young.
But, another girl would talk about how she was bullied for not having had the process done to her, and even asked her mom, saying, "I want it done like the other girls at school. Don't you love me?".
alonzealonzo @alonzealonzo
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Social and political structure of the world
alonzealonzo @alonzealonzo
FGM itself is another topic, a cultural topic to be exact... Im sure everyone can talk about that for days and how its wrong and inhuman... but Its a cultural thing and Im glad that I am not part of a culture that approves it...
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Social and political structure of the world
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
boundbyluck - It does not entirely breakdown often but it does chip, buckle, and fracture. We are seeing this today in most of the world. Extremism flair has found it's way into many cultures. It is good people can openly talk and compare notes to expose the lies they are told by politicians.
Democracy is not a terrible system but it can produce mediocre results if not managed carefully. The best person does not win, the most well liked(hated least) one does. People have allowed politicians in the US to slowly undo ethic controls and is quite dirty now. The last election barely over 30% voted, now they are talking mandatory voting laws. eek. I hope people manage to help fix it while we still can with the pen instead of the sword.
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