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What does a girl look for in a guy?

When you get a text from a girl that reads "heyyy :)" it means she wants the dick
If he has the personality and the traits I'm looking for it will be enough. If he's not wealthy I don't care as long as he is a hard worker and a determined person.
A lot of girls look for different things. For myself I look for someone who is on the same level of intelligence as myself. (Which is more difficult than it sounds.) I take things really slow to get to know them well first and see if they're not just a dumb fuckboy. I do this down to the day we are supposed to meet, so say I figure you're a fuckboy the day we're supposed to meet... well then I cancel, go cry about it, call my friend up and bitch about it, and go to bed. So, intelligent, not a fuckboy, gets excited to do things, takes care of his own business, is affectionate, ideally he'd be financially secure and living on his own but not necessarily, kind, and caring.
I don't think wealth matters, as long as they're not a leech or mooch to your own finances. But if the girl wants kids, then obviously a lot of money and budgeting skills are needed eventually, so it makes sense. I've met guys who spend lavishly on luxuries(like MMO gachapon), and keep complaining about being poor... That's just an example of one of the huge turn offs in guys(and girls). Personally don't know many girls who care at all though. Most of my girl friends fall for and date guys who they never even asked or knew their financial situation. They just get along well, spend lots of time together, and like each other for their personality.
As far I'm concerned, it depends on the person, however if you ask me I'm more into "nice " guys and I really prefer the shy guys most. After all it's not all about looks but the most important thing is personality.
The truth spoken!!! They all have different needs and eventually figure out what their match is. And yes eventually give in to accept you can't have it all and settle. Just like we all eventually will. Best you can do is be a friend and understand that person to the core. Someone knowing you is best gift you can have or give. Friends first has always made the strongest and longest relationships for me^_^ The real answer is they want what you want which is someone who isn't BS and is genuine. Some girls love ass holes and love being treated like crap so will repeat the cycle. Don't bother with one of those if that's the back story. Be a shoulder and be the friend^.^
I would think Confidence, funny, charming, and good looking. Since I have not one of those. I have accepted the fast that I will never have a girlfriend again. XD
Yeah you will. trust me. Once you learn what bad news women or girls to dodge, each relationship gets better and more mature. I have thought that like three times and you just meet someone one day. Go out and be social is best^_^
As far as what I personally want as a female? I can't speak for all women, but as far as what I want, I want someone confident and charming (I'm a shy person, so someone who can pick me up in social situations is amazing) but not to the point of being cocky or obnoxious. I also want someone ambitious who knows what he wants in life. I want someone I can have fun with. Lastly, I also want someone I can lean on when I'm having a bad day. I want someone who actually enjoys talking to me and makes me feel special. I realize I do have to be enjoyable to talk to first, but yeah...
I think they like nice butts, too, no?
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