why is it harder for otaku's

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
why is it harder for otaku's
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
you can never find people in real life that like the same things i like manga they like novels i like anime they like soaps what to do

Zen94 @zen94
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why is it harder for otaku's
Zen94 @zen94
Convert them muhahaha

gone @normandy
commented on
why is it harder for otaku's
gone @normandy
Attending anime conventions is a great way to find people who like the same things as you. Otherwise like Zen94 said you can try to show them some anime if they're willing to try it, maybe they'll turn out to like them.

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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why is it harder for otaku's
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
Anime/Video Games while big on their own are still a Sub-Culture, its not main stream. So finding fans are kinda few and far between depending on the area you live (ex. country side than City).
You have to find ways to to get together, one way is to attend your local Anime Club. Usually you will find one in high school (usually and if you attend) or college (again usually or if you attend). If not start your own.
Of course attending your local Anime Con is a great way to find people atleast within your State.

konad13 @konad13
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why is it harder for otaku's
konad13 @konad13
I had trouble for a few years then found an anime club in high school. It made me even more geeky, and I started playing D&D, which in turn allowed me to find gamers who I would find out are into anime and stuff as well!

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
commented on
why is it harder for otaku's
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
Recommend BnP to everyone you see, only otaku will get the reference

AspieChu @projectotakux
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why is it harder for otaku's
AspieChu @projectotakux

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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why is it harder for otaku's
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
I am aware of it. After all I read about it on urban dictionary...
Sarcasm brother sarcasm xD

natsuko @natsuko
commented on
why is it harder for otaku's
natsuko @natsuko
Because getting interested in a niche hobby usually means you have the time to research it. Which means you're not out and about every day all day... many of us are introverts. Many of us are shy. Those characteristics don't make meeting new people irl easy.

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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why is it harder for otaku's
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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