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Who saw the HinataxNaruto pairing coming?

So did anybody actually think that Hinata and Naruto were going to end up together in the end? I mean I was always hoping that they would but I didn't really expect it to happen whether it would end up being Sakura and Naruto or maybe he wouldn't end up with anybody but I didn't expect them to end up together even though I hoped for it.
I did ... I mean sakuras obsession (not love) for sasuke seemed yandere level. And narutos obsessionnfor saving sasuke was the only reason to become strong. Meaning sasuke would live the entire series since naruto would win even if it meant self sacrifice, and whather he lived or not was based on authors/mangakas will. Hinata always held high esteem for naruto and while she is a secondary character the few times hinata and naruto interact they have a bond he doesn't have with sakura with whom he spends so much time with. So unless she was a plot device for rage ((which happened) hinata was the more obvious choice of the two.
I saw it coming too. There are too many moments in part one, most notably durring the pep talk hinata gave naruto before his fight with neji, when naruto said he liked people like her and she hugs the tree and kiba is like ???. Then there is the scene when hinata first appears in shippuden and shes too shy to talk to him after so long... and then theres the scene where hinata defends naruto in the battle with pain and she tells naruto she loves him (sakura did the same but to get naruto to forget about sasuke which naruto sensed was fake.) That may have sparked something because finally someone admits they deeply care about him. and then the part where they hold hands and naruto's chakra powers hinata (epic as hell) yeah, its not really because im picking sides or anything (people still complain about not having naruto and sakura) i have read plenty of shonen manga to see this coming miles away. But it gives both of them a happy ending even if it wasnt suprising.
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