+1 Skype Group

Zero2 @zero2
+1 Skype Group
Zero2 @zero2
I know there are already a few Skype Group offerings on here, but what's one more? This is a social site after all.
Skype; creaturecard18 Rob

contractkyubey @contractkyubey
commented on
+1 Skype Group
contractkyubey @contractkyubey
So we can just join right? My Skype is the same as my username by the way.

Zero2 @zero2
commented on
+1 Skype Group
Zero2 @zero2
Yeah anyone can join. The idea is if one group is inactive, maybe the next will be active.

activia @activia
commented on
+1 Skype Group
activia @activia
Sounds like fun, can i join? :D
Skype: nubladoparcial
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