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need advice asking girl out

so i like a girl in my taekwondo class a lot and i want to ask her out but shes 20 and im 16 and i dont know if age will effect anything and im not sure if she would say yes to me so any advice?
Haha, age can be a bit of a challenge, but you'd be surprised. I'm 27 and I just recently started dating an 18 year old (the first time I have ever gone younger). Her main worry will probably be your maturity level; by UK standards you're only just legal, add into that the raging teen hormones and she may think it unlikely to be a lasting relationship. I'd suggest talking to her a lot and being a friend before you make a move, to give her the time to gauge your maturity level. You may be mature for your age, but she probably won't see it at first. Have you known her long?
Mar 29, 15 at 7:06am
I used to think age mattered a lot, but my friend is 20 and is dating a 30 years old girl. They have their ups and downs but they're a couple just like any other. Grab the bull by the hands and confess. I takes a lot of courage, so that much should at least give you some points :P
Mar 29, 15 at 7:41am
To be honest if she dies like you she would probably not go for it because you are not of age and its very looked down on for someone ho is of age to date some one that is not
another thing is shes leaving soon to go to college
Hmm...That makes things even more difficult; she may not want to start a relationship before she leaves. Is she going far away?
Maybe try asking if there are ways to get in touch while she's there, like e-mail, Skype, phone, etc. Rushing won't do any good. I don't know about her, but I know that my girl friends and I like to avoid guys who ask us out without getting to know us enough(aka, being close friends first). We've never had success with guys who rush. They ended up being the cheaters/players. So, if she's experienced, she might think the same... but again, I don't know her.
i did invite her to a anime convention like earlier this month so i got to spend lots of time with her there. and manga bird i think shes going kinda far cause she wont be able to go to martial arts classes with me no more unless she can get into a close college
Just putting this out there, The fact that you are 16 and she is 20 can land her in A LOT of trouble. best to wait a few years till you are of age, unless you want to get in trouble with the court system and having her labeled as a pedophile... just saying.
She wouldn't be in trouble if it's UK, 16 is legal here. Kakashe, what country are you in?
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