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Help me find love XD

I know it souds desperate and sad but cut me some slack haha. Ive fallen for a few girls (one of them on here), but they are either taken, not interested, or lesbian. Not that i have a problem with lesbian girls or anything! It's just finding a single girl is hard enough. I really never think about if she's straight or not. (Yes i made that mistake before) lol so please help meee XD
Mar 25, 15 at 2:06pm
Ok talk with the girl you like
I do that all the time well not all the time.. but all i do is either weird her out or the conversation goes dry
Mar 25, 15 at 2:24pm
Like honestly without expecting anything and asking anything related to sex like if you were talking to a super close friend
O.o sex!? She'd freak out if i mentioned that..
Uhh talk to the girl and let her know your intentions lol Dont want to waste your time when she herself isnt looking for the same thing. You could be using that time to find a girl that actually wants to be with you :P
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Mar 25, 15 at 6:31pm
I say let her know your intention, but don't outright say it. Sometimes, you might actually want to be friends more, despite people thinking the friendzone exists. You always have to start being a little more than friends and don't be too direct saying stuff like "I love you" blatantly.
Mar 25, 15 at 6:31pm
Also, for physical appearance, it's how you dress, not how muscular or tall you are, keep that in mind.
Mar 26, 15 at 5:24am
I agree with everything Sunbae AlanZuen said. Well the physical appearance isn't that much when it comes to committed relationships. Here are some common things I can say I hate when guys attempt to get close to me: 1. When a guy leads me on pretending to be interested in whatever I talk about, but really isn't interested. Don't be a poser. Find someone who talks about stuff you do like, or steer the convo until you find something you both like. 2. When someone keeps messaging me with nothing but small talk like "Hi", "How are you?", "How was your day?" without saying anything else. I come here to talk about actual topics like anime/games/etc, not to exchange formalities all day. 3. When a guy is being way too forward and obviously flirting without even knowing me. It's incredibly awkward and creepy. If a girl doesn't have sexual pictures of herself(like obvious cleavage, nudes, etc), she's probably not going to appreciate it. Unless you're on a porn website, dick pics are out of the question.
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