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Fun Evangelion moment

******Spoiler Warning****** So who here has had that "fun" moment of hoping and encouraging a romance between Rei and Shinji just before the show mentions that Rei is a clone of his mother and so that would be incest?
O.o how did you know? Also it wouldn't be incest seeing that the soul of the mom is inside unit 01 meaning its physically the same in teenaged body but completely different person thus incestual loophole found. Also there are fanbased stories where shinji chooses rei over asuka.
Oh lucky guess ;) It might not be incestual from a emotional bond sense but in a physical sense it is still quite incestuous if you think about it because even if it isn't the soul of his mother, genetically it is his mother, at least partially.
no actual blood relationship my friend *slaps animekid with genetics book* cloning is not an exact process ( seeing that ultra religion pretty much screwed it up for us) thus genetic abnormalities are common if not differences thus genetically speaking she is not same as mom thus no incest. At best I'll give you cousins which is not incest.
Ouch! *rubs where slapped with genetics book*...man those things are heavy....hmm I'm a little confused about your references of "that ultra religion". I was referring to just having her genes at all turned it into incest though after reading your comment I guess it could be up to debate per person on wheather or not it would be considered incest from a cousin standpoint (varying due to amount of genetic material on his mothers side which was never stated so will forever be an unknown)since until I recently looked it up *he means about 5mins ago* I was operating under the idea that the definition of "incest" was with ANYONE of one's family, which apparently isn't the exact definition.
Ultra religion was by sarcastic way of several religious groups coming together to fight anfoe that might help humans survive longer seeing that if the technology was well funded and researched the need for transplantnorgans from jealthy patients would cease to exist. As well as blood. Their reason ... clones are living creatures too so we can't butcher them even though when created they come into the world without any knowledge of the orighinal person. In other words completely different individual used as cattle for organ replacement. And yea your concept of incest was wrong but hey you learned something new THANKS TO ANIME
Mar 26, 15 at 5:10am
I was more disturbed with Shinji doing the nasty in front of Asuka's unconscious body.
@boundbyluck Huh, well I kind of agree with the "no-grow for human cattle idea" sounds like something out of a messed up anime lol. Though one might think eventually we might be able to just grow the organs themselves no? I've learned so much all thanks to anime lol video games too occasionally though mostly thanks to anime ^_^ @Kohagura Yeeeaaaahhh......I think there was a worldwide WTF!? moment shared with that scene.....even SHINJI shared in it.....and he's the cause of that moment...
@ animekid Well yes if the cloning tech had (was) allowed to progress eventually organs could be individually created is the theory unfortunately religion said no with angry face and ruined a possibility
@ kohagura Well had you been his age in his screwed mentality and situation I don't think rational thought would be a priority And yes it still was a wtf moment
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