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True Love

Mar 22, 15 at 1:10am
But then some times you think it's just a crush and then it isn't or so idk if that made any sense
The first one felt like a movie that's for sure...slomo and all.
Mar 22, 15 at 1:27am
I can't speak for everyone, but for me, it depends. Well, I separate "love" and "lust". Love for me is just, caring deeply for someone, as if they were your family. So I can love my friends and family... but I can't feel lust for them. If it's someone I think look sexy like a model, I may feel lust for them, but no love. If it's a lover, I will feel both love and lust. I don't believe true love can be only one person.
Mar 22, 15 at 2:02am
I think everybody separates luster from love I mean you cant love your grand parents and luster after them unless you are pretty weird do saying that doesn't really explains anything
I see people that are in lust and think it is love and make terrible mistakes in their lives sometimes. You have to live it to know it and find it for yourself. I encourage anyone to see how far they can really go. Only one way to find out.
Mar 22, 15 at 8:24am
I think I've never felt "love" for anyone. Cared sure, liked definetily ... passionate abt someone yes ..... loved? No bloody clue what's the difference. Never liked someone to the point to belive I'm obsessed over them so idk.
dream @dream commented on True Love
Mar 24, 15 at 8:39pm
True love is "everlasting", it pretty much means you are with that person until you both die. How many everlasting relationships are there in today's world? People seem to get true love confused with false love. False love is something like: one or both partner(s) is in it for the sex, or one or both partner(s) are in it for companionship(This could go both ways, but someone may date or marry another person because they feel lonely, or desperate. Feeling lonely or desperate shouldn't be a reason to date or marry someone. Also, if you feel like you are looking for a better partner, then you aren't even in love with your current partner. There are many people who are in a relationship but are looking for someone better, and once they know they can date that someone, they will dump their current partner.) Securing a solid lifetime together is something through both personalities of a couple. It is mainly about the "personality" and how well you guys can communicate, how much effort and dedication both of you are putting into the relationship, and etc. I could go on and write a book about this, but who has the time for that?
Mar 25, 15 at 12:03am
It doesnt exist :D Or it will grow as you get to know the person. I don't think love just magically appears.
Mar 25, 15 at 12:17am
Love is not a feeling, it's an action. To sum it up, it's a willing sacrifice for the betterment of another. Love is not nor does it alwayshave to be a mmutual thing. What most are talking about here is romantic love, but what about the love a mother has for her child? Love is love, no matter how you want to phrase it. It's not a heart beat, trembling or even a loss of words. People are making what should be all to common out to be an elusive and legendary thing. Yes, there are many types of love, but at the end of the day it's still about what you are willing to do. If you're looking for a magical feeling, you're missing the point.
Mar 26, 15 at 12:49am
this pretty much explains what love is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYVTgLHcXb4&feature=youtu.be
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