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Getting over breakup?? ?? How even

suzuya - It is normal to feel down after a breakup and the amount of feelings we invest in another has to balance back out. The ones you love the most hurt the most when they are gone, that is the trade for love, that is the gamble one must face but it gets easier with time and experience. I know nothing about this guy or your situation other than you said you did everything together but also you had to beg for his attention. That does not paint a very clear picture. This is likely one of your first serious relationships. Hang in there, you are just getting started and will acclimate. General tips for managing breakups. Don't go hook-up to 'move on' or self ego-boost (rebound relationships are sometimes worse than the one you just got out of). Don't mope in your house alone for more than a day or two. Put away or remove things that remind you of the person strongly until you are over them. You need to be around supportive people and do stuff to take your mind off things. Taking up that hobby or activity you have always wanted to try is a good way to move forward in new adventures. You also have to address and process what happened in your relationship objectively if you are to glean anything from the experience eventually. It was a LDR 2 month thing so it should not take too long. LDRs are the most difficult relationships to manage. Good Luck.
I feel ya...the 4 weeks after my breakup was truly frustrating. I felt like I lost a certain part of my identity and trying to understand what happened and why makes my head spin. We re still friends but I still get sad whenever their around.
Break ups are hard. You can say that I was on a long distance relationship for roughly 3 out of the 5 years? Because obviously military made it long distance, and she recently broke up with me around two ish months ago? Getting over it is hard but it is possible, i've had bad break ups and I learned that getting over it can happen. 1. surround yourself with friends 2. Have fun. 3. Do something you love like a hobby (I draw) 4. Stay positive, there is better people out there anyway! 5. Know your self worth and keep pushing forward. 6. Have people to talk to and vent, people that care and can help you through the process.
Please Thyself
Eat all the ice cream in your house, I guarantee you'll feel better.
Don't worry, you are not alone, and I am sharing your emotions as we speak. I am having the exact same thing (you may have noticed my thread on the same page, sorry for semi-hijacking your thread, but maybe it helps to have someone who can relate), someone I felt more connected with than ever before in my life just cut me off a week ago, someone I shared all my interests with. Having to beg for attention and everything else about your relationship sounds all too familiar. Even though I shouldn't think about her, everything I do reminds me of her because everything I like doing involved her. It's somewhere between mourning and feeling like you've lost a limb. All I can say is that there are days you feel like things are getting better, and days where you get a complete relapse and wish for nothing else than to fix things between you. One thing that helped for me was to spend a full day to write a calm, respectful and collected letter, containing all my feelings, what I wish I did different, how I wish things worked out and how I felt about various things about our relationship. You might feel terrible right away because all the feelings and uncertainty will re-emerge. But once you write down how you truly feel and solidfy your stance and remove a lot of the uncertainty, things start getting better. While I did send that message to her, I am fairly certain she has blocked me in every way possible or probably just deleted it if it did reach her. It was more for me really, and knowing that at least I tried helps a lot. If you need somebody to talk to, don't hesitate to get in touch, I understand how you feel.
First off, Make sure not to rebound off of anyone, that will make a worse situation for both of you. 1. Just try not to think of him,I know that sounds tough right now but it's easy later on, But you have to work on it, Whenever you find yourself thinking of him, Try to do something you enjoy instead of focusing on him. 2. Surround yourself with friends you know well and you know will help, Even if you don't tell them about it(Which you should), It will help just having friends around. 3. Do something you enjoy, Don't focus on him, Focus on something you love, Let it be drawing or video games, Anything. 4. Exercise. No really it helps, It releases endorphins(Happy hormones). It can also make you feel better about yourself, Which is always good. I know I lost myself in this method to where I just do it for myself. 5. Talk about it to people you care about, This will help, and I know you probably don't want to out of embarrassment or any reason, But it will help. 6. Give yourself time to understand and give closure to your feelings, Understand them, Know why you have them and conquer them. They may never leave completely but you can say it doesn't matter even if you don't. 7. Finally remember not to beat yourself up. You will find someone else if you try. And try to build a life that you can be happy without a lover, Be happy to be you, and if you aren't now, Try to fix those problems so you can be. Be the best you, You can be and remember how awesome you are and how stupid that guy was for giving you up. That's all I got, Hopefully it helps.
There is a high probability that a break up or a divorce will occur while in a relationship/marriage, unless you guys are like soul mates or something. Hobbies or a new boyfriend/girlfriend will get your mind off of the situation.
Girrrrrl!~ You should know this by now. Sweet things and yaoi is the answer to everything! JK! JK! LOL! XD Anyway, do other stuff like hanging out with friends, go to events, say positive things about yourself, listen to music, watch anime/movies/tv/youtube(as long if love/sad sappy movie/anime/show like Titanic and etc.), than when you feel better to date again. Pick you're up, move on, and find someone else to fall in love. ^u^
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