Tokyo Ghoul Fans

ÜτÅ @darkarmyn
Tokyo Ghoul Fans
ÜτÅ @darkarmyn
What do you think of the story/characters?
Who is your favorite?

mikasa85 @mikasa85
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
mikasa85 @mikasa85
Touka is my favorite

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
What are you asking when you say what we think of the story? Obviously as fans we like it. Or are you asking why we like it. Which my answer would be the deep characters and themes.
Kaneki and Amon are tied for first.

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
He he well lets just say i am very much in love with all of tokyo ghoul except for the art style in tokyo ghoul jack which i still need to finish.
My favourites are Eto, Tatara, Kaneki, Tsukiyama and Nishki

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
orochi is my favourite character

senpai_suzuya @senpai_suzuya
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
senpai_suzuya @senpai_suzuya
My favorites are Suzuya, Sasaki,Shirazu, and saiko.

Ryan @ryanshigure
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
Ryan @ryanshigure
Tokyo Ghoul is love, Tokyo Ghoul is life <3

shanachan @shanachan
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
shanachan @shanachan
My Favourite is Kaneki and Touka <3<3 XDXD
Tokyo ghoul seriously made me excited everytime the ghouls appear and i was like OMG

General - kantmoo @kantmoo
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
General - kantmoo @kantmoo
Akira Mado, Eto and Rize.
I think the story is well done and very intricate.

ÜτÅ @darkarmyn
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Tokyo Ghoul Fans
ÜτÅ @darkarmyn
I meant it as just a general question because, there are so many different questions about the plot, theme, character development, and how far it may or may not go that I didn't wish to try to list them all right before I went to work. I'll list a few that come to mind for you now though since I'm up and about.
"Do you like where the story is going?"
"Anime plot vs manga plot."
"Which characters do you want more back story on?"
"How bad is it going to get for the main characters?"
"What actually happened to ????"<<< Not going to explain this one for those who don't/haven't read the manga. I won't spoil it for you.
"Will Touka and Kaneki ever hook up?"
And the list goes on and on. That's just a few that I could rake together from my fuddled brain.
So anyway! Let's discuss it then shall we?
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