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Would you date a MtF if she were passable?

Tell me, you don't think its a bad idea for one person to fool another one? I mean if cheating is bad, wouldn't the MtF be cheating his partner from the truth if he wasn't completly honest from the getgo? Also this is a dude im posting below and tell me you don't think its wrong him not saying he's a dude postop. (He did though) https://austrianotakulife.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/amateurrubbermaid.jpg
^Damn....!!! We should just turn this into a hot trans/trap/inter thread.
Go nuts, not my thing, but more power to ya XD
Go ahead and do that. As for the topic question my answer is a maybe. I don't mind the penis personally even without a vagina, but if this individual has like zero facial and body hair and has breasts,a feminine build and face alongside long hair and feminine clothing, the answer would be a maybe. This is a big transition because normally I'd say hell no, but after what I saw here it moved to a maybe. I guess for me to say yes I'd actually have to get to know this individual and see where it takes off.
I'm not entirely sure. One of my biggest dreams is to be a father, and I guess I could adopt. But I feel it will mean a lot more if he was something that was from my genes haha. I won't hate on man that's androgynous, it's whatever they feel right being in. Like I feel like I should've just been a panda born in the zoo, but that's just me
Yes... so long as she acted womanly and looked the part, what the heck's the difference? I'm sure I'd even forget soon thereafter anyhow
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhTv2kSBMhc This is my response.
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