GBA Games

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
GBA Games
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Hello, anyone here have a favorite GBA game? I've found my psp lately and I'm looking to play through titles I missed .

juneyzero @juneyzero
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GBA Games
juneyzero @juneyzero
Astro Boy Omega Factor it's got to be the best Gameboy advanced game you have to play dude

Torric @torric
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GBA Games
Torric @torric
Install an emulator:
Play them all

randyran @randyran
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GBA Games
randyran @randyran
Sonic Advance 2!

kflaiz @kflaiz
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GBA Games
kflaiz @kflaiz
Fire Emblem
Advance Wars
Golden Sun
FF Tactics
Mario Luigi Dream Team
There are a ton, the GBA was an awesome platform

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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GBA Games
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
@ Torric
yes, that's why I'm asking! I downloaded plenty of games the other night just randomly and I am just amazed at how many little obscure titles went under the radar that are actually quite fun.
+ @KFlaiz
Yes, best handheld ever, and overall one of the best systems imo.
& Thanks to all; I'll try out Sonic Advance and I've heard good things about AstroBoy actually. I played a game on Ps2 and it was pretty bad, but the GBA version I heard is great on MetalJesus ^^

Kohagura @kohagura
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GBA Games
Kohagura @kohagura
Pokemon RSE and Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak were the ones I can remember from the top of my head.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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GBA Games
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Castlevania Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance, but mostly Aria of Sorrow
Metroid Fusion & Zero Mission
Zelda Minish Cap

Kohagura @kohagura
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GBA Games
Kohagura @kohagura
Oh I loved Minish Cap too. :o I still haven't finished a boss, though.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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GBA Games
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Minish Cap was pretty awesome.
I actually borrowed it from my college buddy and beat it.
I got a free version with my 3ds ambassador thing.
Now I'm in the mood to play all those games again.
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