How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??

kazuro @kazuro
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
kazuro @kazuro
i am just curious about this... sure hes CUTE!!

mangalover739 @mangalover739
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
mangalover739 @mangalover739
No, when it comes to anime/manga characters, I am extremely superficial lol.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
ロイ @wallace614
None she is 2D not 3D
but she still likes the D

kazuro @kazuro
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
kazuro @kazuro
Aarita haruyuki is not a girl "facepalm"

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
nnnooo....he is nnnnot cute.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
ロイ @wallace614

kazuro @kazuro
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
kazuro @kazuro

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
:P and fluffy

kazuro @kazuro
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
kazuro @kazuro
Lol.. I can never get bored talking like thia

kazuro @kazuro
commented on
How many girls like aarita haruyuki from accel world??
kazuro @kazuro
^^ @hyera
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