bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!

marcoscosmos @marcoscosmos
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
marcoscosmos @marcoscosmos
For man years he spent his time hiding in the grass,but he is secretly a deity that can learn all of the hm and learn judgement o.o...... what are you thoughts on this :D

Juveh @juveh
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
Juveh @juveh
bidoof= good HM slave :D

marcoscosmos @marcoscosmos
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
marcoscosmos @marcoscosmos
or is he the orginal mew !!!~

Juveh @juveh
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
Juveh @juveh
meh unless he was legendary xD buneary or however you spell it is a good HM slave as well xD

marcoscosmos @marcoscosmos
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
marcoscosmos @marcoscosmos
do not mock the name of bidoof in vain for he knows dive and surf !!!!

Key @key17
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
Key @key17
Bidoof is worse than Magicarp.

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
Aka-san @redhawk
Bidoof best hm slave evar

marcoscosmos @marcoscosmos
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
marcoscosmos @marcoscosmos

Juveh @juveh
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
Juveh @juveh

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
bidoof.... a menace or our savoir !?!?!??!
Manga_bird @manga_bird
I don't really like Bidoof, I avoid having it in my party ¬ ¬
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