MaiOtaku Osu! Army

AfterWind @afterwind
MaiOtaku Osu! Army
AfterWind @afterwind
I know this might be somewhat of a duplicate but I figured I might as well make it.
So, since a lot of people are playing Osu! in here, and most of them are beginners I figured we can make an "Army" and train together. And by training I really mean having fun, for some improving at the game is fun for others not, take your pick.
I'll make some Multiplayer rooms in which we can play.
This is my user page, feel free to add/message me anytime in game or right here.
Whoever would like to join our army post down there and we'll talk in game.
Any opinions/suggestion?

ESPR @espr
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MaiOtaku Osu! Army
ESPR @espr
I'm in!!! This is a SPLENDID Idea, very much needed! >-<

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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MaiOtaku Osu! Army
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Hello. ^u^

Key @key17
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MaiOtaku Osu! Army
Key @key17
Osu... I lost all my tracks when my laptop exploded in January.

Nekotaku~ @nekotaku
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MaiOtaku Osu! Army
Nekotaku~ @nekotaku
:o~ Id like to join im a rank 97569

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
commented on
MaiOtaku Osu! Army
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Ummm... I not sure what you're taking about. Is that an Internet game or a video game? I really don't know what Osu is. ;:3

ESPR @espr
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MaiOtaku Osu! Army
ESPR @espr
@Captain Fancycosplayer
It's a free music/rythm game which is really challenging, and competative (online anyway) while in singleplayer it's generally having a blast playing a game to your favourite songs.... easily said "wanna listen to in-game sound? wanna listen to music? but can't do both? then Osu is the trick for you!" XD

Key @key17
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MaiOtaku Osu! Army
Key @key17
Osu in a nustshell. Just a tad less crazy :P

Afomaru @afomaru
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MaiOtaku Osu! Army
Afomaru @afomaru
All of my yes, Key. I needed some familiar tunes~

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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MaiOtaku Osu! Army
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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