Gamers, what systems do you own?

OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
Gamers, what systems do you own?
OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
I figured I'd post a topic about people's video game system collections to see what kind of collections people here have.
Here's mine:
Genesis (4x models 2's and a model 1)
PlayStation (x3, two have both rear expansion ports, and one lacks the parallel port)
PS2 (second slim version with built-in power supply, black)
Nintendo (console):
NES (a Sharp NES TV)
SNES (an original, and a small redesigned one)
N64 (a standard black one w/ no expansion, and a jungle green w/expansion)
GameCube (a purple one and a broken black one)
Wii (a standard white one)
Nintendo (handheld):
Gameboy Pocket (a silver one)
Gameboy color (a turquoise one, a purple one, and an atomic purple one)
Gameboy Advance (glacier)
Gameboy Advance SP (blue)
DS Lite (Pokemon DP special edition, and a broken red/black one)
RetroDuo (blue and white) (NES/SNES famiclone)

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
*glares with envy at thread starter*
Consoles: Nintendo only*
Nes ( good old grey box, have had 3 all are broken, and somewhere on my parents addict waiting for me to get my act together and reair them )
Game boy ( also broken )
Gamecube ( metroid prime pak, not broken )
Wii ( recently busted up by my sisters stupid brats )
*I was a proud soldier in the bit wars, fighting the Sega crowd in the schoolyard on a daily basis, so I'd never buy any non-nintendo console.
In part because I blame the advent of CD-rom based consoles ( a.k.a. the Gay-station ) for ruining gaming on a large scale an bringing in the filthy commoners that has lowered the standards to a painful point.. but now im ranting, back to the list sorry...
amiga 500
amiga 1200
2x86 4mhz
3x86 12mhz
4x86 17mhz
5x86 33mhz
MMX-II 160 mhz
pentium 233mhz
pentium II 400mhz
a buttload of broken down pc's 300-2400mhz
and my current pc a laptop i5 packard bell discount.
I also had a metal slug II arcade cabinet, but the tax inquisitor took it because I was too broke to pay my bills... the bastard!!
I emulate most of my NES and gameboy games on my PC, only playing titles i used to own though, which is all the megaman titles.
I never got my hands on a working SNES with the megaman X series on it so in that regard im a pirate xP

OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
*blush* ...and here I thought I had a relatively modest collection, its not like I ever spent a lot of money on them, or purchased any of the consoles at launch. Its mostly used stuff that I found real cheap in thrift sores, flea markets, and yard sales over a time span of about 18 years (the earliest stuff being Christmas presents when I was a kid).
I do have another one to ad now, though - last week I bought a PS3, making it the latest member of my video game system family.
I was never a brand loyalist, I went by what I had and what games I wanted. (I was usually a generation behind, as a lot of my games were purchased from video rental stores when they quit renting out games for those systems) The first game I remember that I really wanted was SMB3, I got it around 1993, and then Sonic the Hedgehog 2, which I got with my first Genesis (it wasn't the pack-in, the pack-in for it was Sonic Spinball).
As far as classic computes, I've had several Commodore 64's over the years. I've also had a couple IBM PS/2 systems, and a Tandy 1000EX. I got rid of these over space constraints/them breaking down. I've got a Pentium II 333Mhz and a PowerMac 5400(?) out in my shed right now that take the crowns as my oldest computers. Over the years I've had too many computers to count.
NES's aren't hard to fix, I've replaced the connector in a couple of them (including my NES TV). I see that you are not a resident of the US (based on the fact that you have a Packard Bell Laptop with a core i5 in it - Packard Bell had to quit selling computers in the US around 1999 over a lawsuit because PB was using used parts and selling them as new), so I'm not really sure where the best place for you to get a replacement connector would be. I got one from, and one from

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I'm going through local flea markets and my uncle is an antique dealer so I keep my eyes ope n for new old stuff all the time, but since we are almost 20 years past the prime of some of these things it is extremely rare to find something that works or isnt filled with kid gunk and other unmentionables.
I tried reparing one of my NES's when i was about 16 and broke it completely, but seeing as I now have worked as an electrician, and hopefully arent as dumb as i used to be, I might give it another try.
All the computers i list are also not complete anymore, picking apart to mix and match over the years have reduced all of them to scrap stored in multiple boxes, originally I wanted enough to cover the walls in my Bedroom with circuit boards... but that requires an insane amount of them i realized...

CasioMaker @otacon85
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
CasioMaker @otacon85
I own:
Both an Atari 65XE and a 800XL with their accesories.
2 NES (Original and redesigned model)
2 SNES (the same as above)
A GameBoy Advance SP
PlayStation (Original "boxy" model)
PS2 (The same as above)
and that's pretty much it. I'm currently saving money to buy either a PS3 for me or waiting for the WiiU for my parents.

eberlins @eberlins
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
eberlins @eberlins
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo DSi
Xbox 360
I THINK that's all. I don't know. I'm so dang tired right now. XD

SimonSan @simonsanbr
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
SimonSan @simonsanbr
NDS Lite
Main one is my PC though, shes my baby and Im most proud of her!
3.4GHz Quad
16Gb RAM
2Gb GTX460

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
owned right now
xbox 360
have owned
ps2 ds
psp slim
psp fat
original xbox

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
As of right now,
500GB PS3 (Backwards Compatible)
Nintendo 3DS
I used to have an Awesome PC rig but I am running on a backup which is more for net surfing, etc. Going to build a new PC sometime this year hopefully.

Heihisoka @bloodeureka7
commented on
Gamers, what systems do you own?
Heihisoka @bloodeureka7
I got 3 Ps3s.For me a ps3 is all i need and the vita cant wait for that lol.
1# 250G
2# 160G
3# 80G
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