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Emotional infidelity?

Mar 03, 15 at 5:29pm
Well that'd suck.. Not sure why they'd bother sticking with me if they love someone else. Guess the right thing to do would be to break things off with them, for their own good. Not much point in being in the relationship if they don't love you and want to be with someone else.
It depends, If they just emotionally love another person and still love me, Yet never do anything with the other, then it's fine. But if they do succumb to these feeling's desires in anyway or Don't love me anymore then its over.
"You should take the place of Dr. Phil Nikita. I mean that in the nicest way possible." LOL! I watched one of his shows last year for the first time in at least five years. He looked so burned out and tired, as if he was fighting the urge to just quit in the middle of the show. Anyways, I'm more the Steve Wilco type, but I don't think I'd be as nice as he is. XD
Well for me it's something even more hurtful than cheating physically, because sex is easy to get, you can even pay for it if you're willing to risk all the things that come with that... but love is different, it's better to end it since nothing good could come from something like that, it can really make a person show the worst of themselves
Mar 14, 15 at 7:01pm
Dump 'em. Plenty of fish in the sea
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/09/12/article-0-14FA8A42000005DC-950_634x919.jpg Numbers don't mean quality :) But if you let the person go becc and comes back
Mar 15, 15 at 1:01am
Cool story bro.
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