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Fat guys vs. Skinny Guys

Mar 05, 15 at 11:44pm
I need both...
but why bother with string cheese :/ square piece of cheese is much easier to put on a sandwhich then a string cheese :o
me, i don't really care if a person is fat or skinny or even just normal weight. what really matters is their personality and interests
I'm with Nerd Taco on this one.
Personality and interests can be dictated by weight.That's not to say that there aren't some genuinely nice and awesome larger people, but if I see a buff body I can make a few assumptions about their life style. All those who genuinely only see what's on the iinside only, I just wonder why they're single? I've met many very sweet women, but if there's no physical attraction, I can only see them as a friend. Don't take me the wrong way, there are many beautiful big women, hell, my girlfriend certainly ain't small, but there has to be a certain level of physical attraction. There are plentyof fit wwomen who I'm not attracted to, too. I just hate seeing the whole speil of " I only look on the inside. " Simply put, we are not wired like that no matter how much you think you're a special snow flake. We are wired to breed ( even if our minds say to otherwise ). I understand it's far more complex than that, but that's what it boils down to.
I'm actually quite relieved to see someone say that. Its a bit exhausting to see everyone sugar-coat the truth all the time.
This still going on? I thought we already discussed this point.
Meh...We did, it's just being reiterated. Also, there will be more... So many are very..."touchy"... about this. And then there's the "white knights"...But, why am I explaining this...? XcookieX... You're a bit of a hypocrit, aren't you?
I guess that's indeed true, I forget at times that history loves to repeat itself...Sometimes very quickly when people are to lazy to look throughout the thread. You tell me why your explaining it, Perhaps your bored?
Most people prefer fit partners, but you shouldn't give up hope. It's mostly a mental thing to be honest, one of the most confident guys i know is pretty huge. He has no issue getting girls. I just gotta say it does make you doubt yourself if you're fat. I say that as a former 300 pounder. Got so frustrated and sick of being fat I just loaded up on diet on fitness. that's always an option, but everyone knows that.
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