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Fat guys vs. Skinny Guys

Mmmm what if sam hates his new self and ruins everything
I think that's bull to be honest
That is a good question but I would say that we would have to try really hard to figure out the solution together. Currently, Sam would rather be more toned. I told him whatever he wants to do, I will cheer him on as long as it is safe for him.
It was more of a joke.
let's just say for the sake of the argument that let's call this person s since I do t k ow if that's his real name Starts to get tone and feels that his partner should get or at least try to get tone because it's a healthier lifestyle ? What then ?
Well, S is already wants that for myself. And I do do that. It isn't like I don't work out or eat right. I do. So what is the next question? Edit: I go to the gym, count nutrition values, and try to eat healthier.
I thought you were against changing yourself even for a love one. I thought it was going to be a big deal? I don't think I have a next question I try to live by the philosophy of "if you like it do it but don't try to make other people like you" kind of stuff
No, I am not changing myself for the one I love. I am doing it for me. I am doing it so I can enjoy life without health complications and to live longer and be able to enjoy it with the people I love. I wanna be the grandmother that can play with her kids and not be restricted to a wheelchair.
Well said, Rina. I've been thinking the same for myself, since I currently live a really unhealthy lifestyle of junk food and zero exercise(besides going to the bathroom and kitchen). >.< Also need to try harder for talking and socializing irl.
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