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What am I doing wrong?

Aki, I would not advise you getting into a relationship with a significant other because you are "bored being alone all the time". If you want a friend with benefits, go search for one. If you want a gaming buddy, ask around. If you want to have a human, personal relationship with a significant other, it's not just about time or going on OkCupid. You've gotta accept the good, bad and ugly of the relationship, yourself and her, as well as dealing with work-life balance. If you are "bored being alone all the time", what exactly are you bored of? Lack of friends and lack of a significant other are 2 different issues. Don't treat females as trophies/conquest reward; as an elder brother, I would not feel comfortable introducing my sister to guys with that mentality.
Mar 01, 15 at 11:32am
tbh I dont care if someone is ugly or something like that I just care that they have a good personality.
You focused on one word out of that entire paragraph and took it completely out of context. That, and as has been pointed out to you before with your OP, is where the problem is; your mindset about relationships and women in general is what keeps you from getting what you want. You will remain this way until you realize this, that the change needs to start with you.
Mar 01, 15 at 5:29pm
Manga_Bird, what do you mean girls really aren't strange exotic creatures? I'm sure I was told the exact opposite of that by a girl once... On a more serious note, Aki you need to not worry about it. You are 16 so there is plenty of time ahead to find a significant other. The thing to do right now is become comfortable with yourself, make some friends of either sex, etc. Most of all, don't take your high school social life too seriously. I may be an anomaly, but I don't think I have spoken to anyone from high school since about three years after graduating.
@ Key of Manly Tears Why is to call her a conquest insensitive? It would be a victory for him.
Ah young love. Aki, don't sweat over getting in to a relationship, they come and go in their own ways. At your age you should be focusing on your school work and developing your own character; self conquest. You need to find out who you really are and who you want to grow up to be. Once you are certain and focused on your path your confidence develops naturally as you work towards those goals. Respect yourself and be respectable and you will have little trouble making friends in love and career. Relationship wise, you have little to offer girls right now except friendship which is fine for now. Finish getting your head wired then you will have the ability to build a relationship with whoever you choose. You will also be genuinely confident and more likely to be found attractive by said love interest. For now make friends and have fun growing up together, those special ones will come and go all through your life. Don't go grab and hold on to the first one you see for it's sake alone or you may find mutual despair. Good luck and have fun.
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