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The Dress

So apparently this dress is WEIRD - Some see it as "blue and black" while others see it as "white and gold"... What do you see!? https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/1460957_594054557364721_5438509770077890509_n.png?oh=d1aaa76c1c3ead9a9a9e791c26dad2b3&oe=558CF88B&__gda__=1434383097_837e0259afd7be9a0cbf80fd0df42165
Feb 27, 15 at 1:25am
I swear people are saying it's white and gold just to mess with me THAT THING IS BLUE AND BLACK I don't understand how it's white and gold....someone please lend me their eyes
i see blue and black tho there is enough light exposure for me to see why people are having issues perceiving it. our visual system varies depending on the light we are using at the time to look at it.... me and my mom have a hard time separating black and dark blue when inside a house. once outside tho it's more obvious.
evanm @evanm commented on The Dress
Feb 27, 15 at 2:05pm
i see gold and white.
ESPR @espr commented on The Dress
Feb 27, 15 at 2:09pm
I see gold and white too :3
evanm @evanm commented on The Dress
Feb 27, 15 at 2:11pm
So Ha! :3
Feb 27, 15 at 2:12pm
I can't even few the picture, So I have no idea.
Feb 27, 15 at 2:45pm
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Key @key17 commented on The Dress
Feb 27, 15 at 2:49pm
I'm just gonna say this and leave as fast as I can because this is dumb. Some people will see it one way, others another. None of us right. It's just an optical illusion created by the differences in people's eyes and consequently forces our brains to interpret colours differently. It's nothing terribly new, so I really don't get what the fuss is about.
Feb 27, 15 at 3:53pm
Actually, the answer depends on the white balance. Any photographer can tell that white balance can skew visual perception of colors. http://www.wired.com/2015/02/science-one-agrees-color-dress/
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