Games becoming less immersive

soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
Games becoming less immersive
soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
I'm not sure if it's just me, but it feels like most games nowadays have a hard time keeping my attention. For example, I've been trying to finish and like watchdogs since it came out. But the lack of character development and unrelatable story literally keeps me from playing a game that had a lot of potential. Another another example would be assassin's creed. It started off great, well assassins creed 2 did at least. Had a likable character with a drive that anyone could relate to, along with a good story that kept you immersed and decent game mechanics. Unfortunately as its popularity grew, they begin pumping one out every year, watering down the story, and shifting their focus elsewhere. Like on making money and mutiplayer. Thankfully you have the other side of the spectrum, where games like "the last of us" lies. While having the one of the most generic stories out there, with simple gameplay, the story is told so well that it makes you want to play till you look outside and realized the seasons changed on you. Sadly, games like that are to far apart. That's just my opinion at least.

Key @key17
commented on
Games becoming less immersive
Key @key17
I'll definitely agree as far as triple A titles go.
I feel like now they're just trying too hard to be this grandiose thing that games weren't to be in the first place, focusing more on realistic graphics rather than good story or, even more importantly, good gameplay.
I just played 'The Last of Us', and, yeah it was great, but I'm still made fun of sometimes, when people see me replaying my old Japanese games, instead of new Call of Duty, Destiny or Watch Dogs.

rocklee21 ( Scott ) @rocklee21
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Games becoming less immersive
rocklee21 ( Scott ) @rocklee21
iv stopped buying systems when ps3 came out ... i love old school games way more and just better storylines in general !!

Animekid @animekid
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Games becoming less immersive
Animekid @animekid
I kind of feel with the DMC remake that they tried too hard to show it off that it wasn't going to be a catastrophe that the game suffered a bit in other areas compared to previous DMC titles.

soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
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Games becoming less immersive
soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
I find myself playing all my older games lately like zone of enders, Megan man x, or silent hill 2. The only ones that seem to keep me entertained nowadays are the ones that don't require immersion like dark souls or earth defense force. When it comes to devil may cry, I think the biggest mistake they made was trying to tell fans what they wanted. I don't mind you giving dante a new look, as long as the fans agree. Infamous 2 (another simple but great game) did a complete overhaul on Coles look, but when fans responded negatively, they turned him back to normal, with only minor changes. If the makers of dmc really wanted to change dante so bad, they should have made him a relative or descendent of dante. I would have enjoyed that game a lot more if they would have hit it from that angle.

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
commented on
Games becoming less immersive
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
I completely agree, I noticed this was going to happen when they came out with PS4 and Xbox One. I honestly dont care anymore every industry is just after money now. I think im more upset that there trying to kill off RPG's. :( I'll probably be reverting back to PS3.

soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
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Games becoming less immersive
soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
The gaming industry crashed once when the market got flooded with to many bad games. Caused them to rethink gaming, maybe it needs to happen again. Still holding out for Kingdom Hearts 3

Key @key17
commented on
Games becoming less immersive
Key @key17
Mirrors Edge 2 is the only reason why I haven't sold my PS4 yet.

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Games becoming less immersive
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Bloodborne and FF15 give me hope. Witcher 3 looks great as well.
Other then those franchises, there is also Kingdom Hearts 3, and If DMC4SE does well, Possibly a DMC5.
So immersive games aren't all dead. Though because of corporate demand and greed, Games are coming out quicker and quicker, Which hurst the quality, the polishing and even makes some games come out unfinished. So many mainstream titles and old milked franchises are pumping out sequels just to make more sequels, Which isn't how a story should be handled.

soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
commented on
Games becoming less immersive
soraphantomhive @soraphantomhive
I agree leo, for me it just feels like that the good ones are becoming more rare. Also looking forward to ff15, and bloodborne. Bloodborne especially. From the looks of the alpha, it's gonna be glorious.
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