World Domination!
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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World Domination!
Manga_bird @manga_bird
I already have an army, but I do like pizza~
Key @key17
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World Domination!
Key @key17
Lords, a violent enemy has surfaced. My nation's precious peace will be put in peril.
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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World Domination!
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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World Domination!
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
(in epic chuuni pose)
I am the master of the 4 lords of havoc! My chariot of storms turn the skies to black wind, fire, and raining steel. When they see my dark wake in the horizon the hope in their hearts sets with the sun never to rise again for they know their doom is upon them.
My armies shall march across the 4 corners of the world aimlessly spreading chaos to rot away the pillars of order so it may be rebuilt in the image of our master Pizza. (dammit its 3a I want pizza now lol) I will destroy every pig headed warrior and king and take all of their women. HAHHAHA For the greatest things in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women....all for the pizza.
For my heralds I have called forth the metal militia to sing our battle hymns as we ride like the wind into glory with only true metal. (and guaranteed delivery within 30 min or its half price) Their thundering drums shall crack the walls and shake the grounds of their domains as I lay siege to to the enemies of the Pizza. MUHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA
OW! What was that for Yohko?!
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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World Domination!
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss (Some music for our glorious savior)
I see your help shall be gladly accepted Lord Darkushneider, Your motivation is great, So that I believe they shall feel your blood lust across the lands hahaha. The insects that ruin our heaven in the making, Earth, Shall be eliminated, No EXTERMINATIED without remorse, They shall flee like cockroaches from a giant, We shall turn the rivers red! The skies shall blacken for all to see our coming, and they will know they were to late, For Pizza is unforgiving to those that deny it's greatness! ( Anytime is a time for pizza brother)
@ Manga_Bird, Manga of birds, will you join us!? We can join our forces to annihilate our true foes that much quicker, None shall escape....Not even you my friend if you deny the greatness that is pizza.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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World Domination!
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
General panda reporting in tell me who im supposed to attack first sir
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
World Domination!
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
At ease General. Your first target will be the White House.....All of them, Especially that one that's compensating for something in D.C.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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World Domination!
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
White house? What white house? All i see is a pile of ashes
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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World Domination!
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Oh you hahahahaha. Next we burn Europe.
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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World Domination!
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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