Height issue or not true?

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Height issue or not true?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
For some time now I denied my self trying to make something happen with girls I been attracted to. I am a tall guy and I feel if I got close to some one small I could lose her if we had children. Do any of you think this worth worrying about?

Key @keyrunners
commented on
Height issue or not true?
Key @keyrunners
i'll spell it out for you
if something like that would worry you in a relationship things are not working out. Height is something that we can't really change (well we can but those measures are drastic and kinda traumatic) as such it's inherent to who we are... if someone can't accept your height then they aren't accepting you for who you are.

gone @normandy
commented on
Height issue or not true?
gone @normandy
You definitely don't need to worry about it. You got the good end of the height stick. Just try being a short guy like me where many girls tower over you... not fun at all. DX

ducksfortea @ducksfortea
commented on
Height issue or not true?
ducksfortea @ducksfortea
to be honest, while I do seem to go for shorter girls, I still find taller ones attractive, like I don't care.
Just, short and blonde or dyed is 'my type'.
And I know that could be taken in a whole different way :( but please don't :)

Zen94 @zen94
commented on
Height issue or not true?
Zen94 @zen94
girls tend to like taller guys so you have an advantage over small people like me

Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
commented on
Height issue or not true?
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
i'm 170cm and I prefer shorter (and younger) boys, but my age and height puts me off. So height is an issue *sigh*

Michi @michi
commented on
Height issue or not true?
Michi @michi
Im bi ;D and Im tall OTL , I prever having a tall boyfriend xD than a small one ;w;''
but I like small girlfriend though ;O

NujabesRIP @hopeless_romantic
commented on
Height issue or not true?
NujabesRIP @hopeless_romantic
Everyone has a preference when looking for a suitable partner. I was with a smaller asian woman who preferred smaller shorter guys for a good year or so and I was definitely larger than most of her exes. It's somewhat of a minor detail for most in my experiences, but most women I've been around prefer a taller guy.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Height issue or not true?
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
When most of the vast majority of the male population suicides, it will stink a bit. Hey...... maybe this is how the Zombie Apocalypse starts!

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
Height issue or not true?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Lol suicide huh? Maybe this not the best site to say something like that :-) you never know what that will trigger. Some people on here are way too depress.
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