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Rejecting Someone...

it hurts, I should know since I've been rejected countless times...
Feb 14, 15 at 10:34pm
Sometimes it's not even hard because of the whole salvage the relationship part. Sometimes when I reject a friend, I legit get worried that the guy is gonna go crazy on me. A dude who I thought was friend asked me out once. I was surprised because I had no idea he had a crush on me and I rejected him nicely, but firmly. Just I wasn't in a position where I wanted a relationship, plain and simple. Dude went lost his damn mind, ranting about how I owe him because I was friendly to him (read: conversed with him in a not negative manner) and that he was there for me, how dare I reject him, and how I'm playing him because by god, he put in enough "nice guy" tokens damnit! (well not the last, but you get the idea). I still get some ranting texts now and then, I'm assuming usually when he gets rejected again, about how I ruined his life and that girls are all heartless bitches who use him because he can't find anyone (shocking, not) and how women ruin nice guys. So yeah, that's another reason why I'm always a bit apprehensive about rejecting someone.
Feb 14, 15 at 10:36pm
...wait. You rejected 'him'? Are you gay? If you are, don't blame yourself. If you're not, blame him.
Feb 14, 15 at 10:41pm
wow Xueli 0_o so to him it was more like a favor that you owe him for him being nice. Lmao, one of my friends who I liked rejected me as well, but hey that's life what can you do. Importantly we're still good friends today and hey at least she's still in my life you know? I'd rather still be friends with someone I like rather than not have them in my life.
I've rejected all manner of people for a variety of reasons. Its not hard to not be my type, so its unsurprising to me. I've been rejected before. When it happens, I rarely try to maintain a friendship. Just kinda stop caring.
xueli - That guy sounds exactly like what I was referring to. His 'friendship' was solely invested in making you his SO from the sounds of it.
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