Why aren't there any otaku girls???

acoustokinesis @acoustokinesis
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
acoustokinesis @acoustokinesis
Ohhh, gee. I'm sorry, I realize that this is pretty much over, but it was too funny to pass up.
First off, I'd just like to say that more girls are interested in anime than you guys think. Hell- I know more (beautiful, I might add) girls who enjoy anime IRL than I do guys. I am entirely serious.
The thing is, we're not the girls who wear cat ears and as many anime items at once as is physically possible. We're normal people with normal interests, according to regular people. The "nerdiest" we seem is when referencing Harry Potter. So you just don't know.
Now, I participated in robotics at my school this year, just like I did the last, and our teams were grouped oddly, some random people being added against our will. And please. JUST BECAUSE A GIRLAND A GUY BOTH ENJOY ANIME, DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE TWO OF THEM ARE SOULMATES. Guys. Do not stuff your phone numbers discretely into our backpacks. And when we "lose" it? Don't try again. I realize I'm getting a bit off topic, but I needed to get it out there.
Anyway! Please, don't treat us like rare objects when you meet one of us. It's just weird. If you think what you're doing is creepy- ask your online friends! That's what we're here for!
Just keep an eye out- you never know if that one pretty girl at school or work who acts like a 'normal' human being likes anime. My suggestion is to first just look out for someone with a nice personality that you can appreciate, and then ask if she's ever tried watching anime before. Don't make her feel defensive and like you are judging her for her answer! If she doesn't, it's not a huge loss at all, because at least you know that she's a decent human being. Try to introduce her to some anime you think she'll enjoy! Whether that be Clannad or AoT/SnK, try to get her to watch at least three episodes. Don't force it! And if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it. It's not the end of the world. And to be honest? If the one thing you look for in your SO is someone who likes anime, you're going to end up alone.
Sorry to be rambling! I needed to straighten out my own thoughts, and in the process I made something a little jumbled. /)u(\

Semple @noobiesnack
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
Semple @noobiesnack
i dont think that otaku girls are rare (actually i think the opposite in that there are more female otaku in the world than male). However, i think there are less otaku girls that are interested in men much less romance. to me, it balances strongly to more men otaku looking than females. Not sure if its true, but judging on the numbers on this site and others... I have to say that conclusion.
But I do agree. Look everywhere, not just for anime girls. And don't be discouraged with a few failures.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I've met on here a much higher ratio of girls (vs other girls I've known) that are asexual, demisexual, or hikki/neet types that just aren't experienced with men, have had bad experiences, or aren't all that interested in relationships. The few that are, tend to be still in high school. So out of all the otaku girls on here, only a handful are over 18, single and looking for a serious relationship.

southernpromise @southernpromise
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
southernpromise @southernpromise
There are plenty of us out there.Now finding a otaku girl what dosent have her mind wrapped up in fantasy land is the real challenge. I do not expect you to catch me in mid air if i slip on something XDD from my personal view finding otaku girls for friends is hard because some dont take proper care of themselves (shower, dresses decently, does their eyebrows. but believe me there are tons of us out there

Ardyn R. Sylvestious @misakinagase
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
Ardyn R. Sylvestious @misakinagase
There not hard to find at all. Just wait. Keep your line out and wait for a bite. It's landing one that's the issue. When you do find one, treat her nicely and treat her well. Hold on to her for as long as possible and fill those days with love and kindness between the both of you.
Ah. what do I know? I'm just some lonely guy. No need to pay heed to me.

jas @jas
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
jas @jas
Well, I'm not sure if it's the case where there are fewer Otaku or gamer girls. It's just the case of still being a relative minority and then you have to factor in potentially not being the first choice for them. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to factor in if you both enjoy Anime and live a similar lifestyle.

Ardyn R. Sylvestious @misakinagase
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
Ardyn R. Sylvestious @misakinagase
Sad but all to true...

meister24 @meister24
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
meister24 @meister24
@vampire_neko, I do see your point. With that said, I think MO is ultimately more of a place to seek friends with similar anime tastes or get the occasional thrill/sob story than serious relationships.
@acoustokinesis, I agree with your point whole-heartedly. Quite a few of the otaku girls I met in reality are really functional, normal, rational human beings. Sure, they do like Sailor Moon and may dress up as some Touhou character. But eventually, just like all of us, they study, work and live an otherwise normal life. The hikkikomori/anime-obsessive female is the one I'm genuinely afraid to tangle with...simply because we don't share the same wavelength of thought.

xueli @xueli
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
xueli @xueli
fanatical people are scary :/

meister24 @meister24
commented on
Why aren't there any otaku girls???
meister24 @meister24
Makes me think of this too:
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