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Nice guys or bad boys or mean guys???

you live and learn lol :/ and the stupid part was I still kept on pursuing her after she said that to me. However im not going to stop being a nice guy, I was raised by a good family and my grandfather and uncle both who was named after were true gentlemen :)
I know they say that age begets experience, but it's not true 100% of the times. As I said, I've already been through one, and don't imagine it being quick and easy just because I'm underage. It was tough. As tough as anyone's.
"sigh" I wish I had a girlfriends when I was young. I did not have my first girlfriend till last year and she destroyed my heart. Long boring story. It is tough all over huh Impacto.
@Impacto no it does not I agree with you :) to be honest for your age you're very mature. Is anyone here attracted to mean guys? lol
Feb 08, 15 at 1:42am
Don't underestimate Impacto :P She's young but she has a sound head on her soulders.
@Luffy You know... maybe it's better to wait. So many things can go wrong when you have so little control over your life. @Key XP
haha yeah she is :) im impressed with the women here to be honest. Very mature, understanding, and even nice despite the age gaps
I kind of like mean guys... idk why.
Control over life? All is stable and boring. I rather start dating then sit around wondering what could be.
Wow first girl to like mean guys. What is it you like about them Oniiai?
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