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Perfect Date

For me, a perfect date would be any meeting between my amore mio and I that would consist of us conversing between one another without any gimmicks. Personally I think when someone breaks the ice and asks me out to something, let's say a movie, I'd want to make it absolutely clear to myself that I would be going out to spend time with them rather than to just see a free movie. Removing these gimmicks removes an obvious problematic factor I've perceived in relationships - loving the other for the wrong reasons. Let's be honest, when we find somebody we adore we go out of our way to impress them, and when we do, we take a shot a a relationship without really getting to know them first. Let's say one of us finds somebody we like for... sexual reasons. (OwO) That one of us may commit themselves to that person for awhile just to get a taste of them (pun intended), but soon learn that factors of their life don't match up with their own. They could be an alcoholic, a sex-offender, etc. This is the part of the relationship people outweigh the pros and the cons. Let's say one of us can't deal with one of those people, but we let it slide because of how sexually attractive the other is. We shouldn't do this, and this is what I'm trying to avoid. As the relationship develops, we start to really think about these factors we were so ignorant of before. This is why people 'change'. People suddenly realize after being with another that those odds that they mis-scaled don't really add up right, leading to an unhealthy and sometimes violent breakup. For me, I want love without contrivances; I don't want there to be any constituents that stand out about the most important part of the date, the other person.
Feb 12, 15 at 11:36pm
^Fully agreed. I'm not sure if this counts as a date (since usually both parties have to acknowledge it as such before it is carried out). I took a girl out last year to a quiet scenic park back in Washington D.C (free admission yay!). We didn't speak too much at first; we really just walked around the trails, look at the trees, admire the scenery, saw a few deers, hopped across several tree stumps..and then we just begin to share our thoughts with each other on life, work, dreams, challenges and everything else under the sun. No acts, no tricks, just communication (very subtle Gundam Wing reference here). It wasn't really perfect by any means; the bentos I cooked for both of us turned cold and the weather was biting at us. But I can still recall every single bit of detail as if it were yesterday because we truly faced each other...as each other and no one else.
Cero @cero commented on Perfect Date
Feb 13, 15 at 12:20am
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Feb 16, 15 at 9:24am
two weeks ago i had a date with a girl , was fantasting: started walking in the lake and next sit in the grass and look videos and talk , next go for food and at finished , eat while saw anime with the sunset in back <3 <3 was great.
Feb 16, 15 at 10:17am
Simple eat, then movie, and then just talk
Here in Portland we have it pretty good sometimes for potential good dates. Meet-up at an outdoor Cafe or the one that is in the worlds largest bookstore. Powell's Books is a cool place even if not into books and can be a date worth of adventure alone in that place. Alternately hit a classy brewpub like HUB. Charge up and roam around talking and flirting between all the mini-parks, public art, the waterfront, or encountering the people that keep the place weird. If she is more the romantic type gonna get a coach ride to a real nice place for dinner and a show. If she's more rock n roll our wandering will cross one the many awesome places to eat that looks interesting to us at the time before hitting the venue we were going to for the concert & rock out. Afterwards roam about closely to keep each other warm, steal a kiss in the moonlight and roam off in to the night to wherever it leads....
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