Smoke? Drink?

L33K @l33k
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
L33K @l33k
No to smoke... occasional for drink jus to blend in w/ some peers... but alone, nope...

Subject_ZER0 @subject_zer0
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Subject_ZER0 @subject_zer0
Smoke Weed Everyday lol

Eevee @eevee
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Smoke? Drink?
Eevee @eevee
I don't mind drinking along as there not crazy alcoholic ,smoking bothers me more with the smell
can't stand it blah ~-~

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
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Smoke? Drink?
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
I've only smoked a cigar or two on special occassions, and I try not to drink more than a beer when I'm alone. I'm more of a social drinker :) I like to drink and relax when I'm having fun with good people

Nayru @nayru
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Smoke? Drink?
Nayru @nayru
I don't smoke and I just drink on special ocasions(they are not enough to say that I drink), never been drunk though. I'd just be the one to laugh at my drunken friends.
I don't mind my friends killing their livers slowly, but I can't stand the smoke getting into my lungs. So I just make sure they know and attempt staying away from them while they do it. But that horrible smell always ends up finding its way into my clothes =-='

Deleted @namisetsaiii
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Deleted @namisetsaiii
I don't drink or smoke, but I don't mind if someone drinks as long as it's in moderation. Alcoholics aren't my thing.
Smoking, however, is a huge no-no. I've heard too many sad stories that could've been prevented if they were to quit smoking.

Smitevil @smitevil
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Smitevil @smitevil
Don't mind casual drinking, Loath smoking, my grandma smoked a lot and that was a bit hard to watch and smell...

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
Because that makes a huge difference ;)

Nayru @nayru
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Nayru @nayru
If you are looking for huge differences you could also ask...drinking what?

Dviggure @dviggure
commented on
Smoke? Drink?
Dviggure @dviggure
I smoke like I don't breathe oxygen... I feel like I have cancer in ten different places. I have been cutting back a lot, though. No where near the two packs I was up to. Drinking? A beer or a shot every now and then. (My family is extremely Slavic. As in, they've replaced their blood with Slivovica and vodka. So I pride myself in not being too terrible.)
When I'm with non-smokers, though, I tend to try to smoke away from them, and I've never been drunk in public. Does that make any difference to the non-'s? Or does just knowing that someone does it make them verboten?
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