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Keeping some distance.

Who here prefers long distance relationships or is at least is open them? Personally distance isn't really that much of an issue to me since there's really nothing for me in this town/state anyway and I'd really like to leave someday but just don't know where I'd go.
Feb 04, 15 at 6:38pm
I never thought I'd ever be comfortable with a long distance relationship because I like to be able to be able to comfort my partner in person. Back while I was dating, I couldn't stand to see my ex be so sad/lonely/scared through skype and I felt like and awful bf for not being able to go to her in person to even give her a simple hug to calm her down. Nowadays though, I think I might be open to starting a relationship online and seeing where things could go from there. I like to talk for a looooong time, and I do it a lot better through the net.
Feb 04, 15 at 7:43pm
Long distance has me in a loop Basically I meet more people online that I can communicate and socailize better with but in reality it's different, long distance IS hard and getting attached to someone in another state/country/province and wanting to meet them is especially difficult. You don't know what they truly look like and there's always that thought of "what if they aren't who they say they are" or "is that really them in the picture?" It truly is a difficult situation and causes some anxiety or trust issues, and eventually it even ends up that they stop talking after a long period of time. I personally would have to be very interested in someone online and know for sure that they aren't fake before I go into personal details and deeper relations with that person. Not that everyone online is fake, just a lot of people pretend to be someone their not for some reasons.
Feb 04, 15 at 8:04pm
Yeah, making actual friends online is rather rough, breaking through not only their online persona and your own to really development a bond is something really rough. Nice people turn out to be super perverts, or lying about whom they are... Blegh. I'm fine with letting everything off my chest really and I've noticed I've been able to get others to do the same. Got a few good friends who always keep me in mind, and vice versa from online games and random chance meetings at my local college.
Not saying i favor them in particular but i just find it easier to meet people online rather than irl cause of my shyness you know? That and the peeps here are boring like no everyone on MO knows how to party lmao and like re_aper said it is a little hard getting used to the fact the person you like is miles away and like trust issues tend to happen cause..its the internet -_-people like to pretend to be someone they arent not saying everyone is like that but you can only be so sure..thats why you do meet ups and face time that way all doubt disappears
Feb 04, 15 at 8:57pm
I never been in an online relationship or something similar,but i'm open to them,I want to try it at least once if I found someone interesting,although it's true that some people lie about their identity,but anyhow still open them and I might need one cause I move a lot
Feb 04, 15 at 11:28pm
Open. I really don't care. oh but I can see why it's worrisome since distance,over the Internet meeting um stuff like that. Just be careful and if they don't skype with cam run awayyyy~! Everyone should watch just an episode or two of catfish on mtv. It's informative ish
Yea specially when when you cook the eggs and you crack them and some little pieces of shell get into the pan. Damn it really is annoying to cook eggs sometimes
I've never been involved in a long distance relationship but after watching my two elder sisters go through it I would have to say that I am not too open to them...
Feb 11, 15 at 12:42pm
@Ryuuchi EXACTLY. I've seen some episodes on catfish on MTV and I have to say it's very scary. Long distance I don't mind. As they say "Disantance makes the heart grow fonder" :)
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