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Getting back together with an ex

Usually I would say "HELL NO" because it almost never works. At least from my experience, all break ups for me have always been kinda sad and somewhat messy even if we managed to stay as friends. But it sounds like it was a good mutual breakup if you're both hanging out and still good friends and stuff. I would cautiously say it might worth a shot in this scenario just to give the idea a second chance but if things end up not working out then it just wasn't meant to be.
The warning signs at the beginning are the same reasons it'll always end.
It's been like 5 years now I wonder if they actually ever did get back together?
As a person that has literally been in relationships with my ex after ex after ex.... I got to say don't do it because the fact that you guys broke up in the first place and literally has a reason for it then I would have to say don't do it because it's even bad that you're trying to go back to your ex as I feel that you guys should be friends and nothing more because when a batter bless you happens in the first place if you go back to to it....it's probably not going to be the same. it's going to feel like he's giving you what you wanted but then you're going to feel like it was pointless to try. I feel that you should try to find someone that is willing to accept you for who you are and not be so dense about the relationship that you're in.
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